Grade 'Blood Out'

How would you grade Blood Out?

  • A+

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • A

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • C

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Grad 'Blood Out'

This one was so bad, it's not even worth grading. I wouldn't even know where to start with my criticism. Case was cliché, Levato is cliché, her backgroundstory was cliché. Didn't know she would get a whole ep on her own just to show us how tough and strong and brave and multi-skilled and sexy and snappy and troubled she is and whatever else :lol:

Hate to say, I mostly agree about showcasing the weakest player by telling us how great she is (and I understand it was supposed to strengthen her) AND making her former boss' involvement painfully obvious from the start (maybe not how he was involved, but he was supiscious from his first scene) doomed this episode for me.

However, on the bright side, this was the first truly bad and by-the-numbers episode of the season IMHO. Could've been helped by a parallel "off day" story.

As for Mac not having an mental block moment, perhaps they spared us or wanted us to show how he's coping with it better. If he kept having problems EVERY episode, I'm sure some would be saying, "enough already...we get it!" :) Oh, and if they're saving a new development on that for sweeps...February comes before May!
Re: Grad 'Blood Out'

This one was so bad, it's not even worth grading. I wouldn't even know where to start with my criticism. Case was cliché, Levato is cliché, her backgroundstory was cliché. Didn't know she would get a whole ep on her own just to show us how tough and strong and brave and multi-skilled and sexy and snappy and troubled she is and whatever else :lol:

Hate to say, I mostly agree about showcasing the weakest player by telling us how great she is (and I understand it was supposed to strengthen her) AND making her former boss' involvement painfully obvious from the start (maybe not how he was involved, but he was supiscious from his first scene) doomed this episode for me.

However, on the bright side, this was the first truly bad and by-the-numbers episode of the season IMHO. Could've been helped by a parallel "off day" story.

As for Mac not having an mental block moment, perhaps they spared us or wanted us to show how he's coping with it better. If he kept having problems EVERY episode, I'm sure some would be saying, "enough already...we get it!" :) Oh, and if they're saving a new development on that for sweeps...February comes before May!

Yes, February comes before May but we only got 18 episodes this year. Are they going to do one episode a month starting January? Or are they going to do another 6 week hiatus like they did last year and not tell us when it's coming back?
See that is what I am talking about. CBS does not respect their veteran shows. Especially since those shows are what made them. I am really, really hoping that they give the respect to give them a S10. My fingers are crossed.
I was generous and gave this one a C because I liked the Flack and Lovato scenes. I agree that the Lovato backstory reads like a fanfic. The only thing more ludicrous than that is having a not so pleasant Plain Jane girl from the "midwest" come to the big city, have a deep dark secret, and have the hot city boy fall for and marry . . . oh wait. Nevermind. :shifty: At least they didn't have Lovato fall for the gang member. I was waiting for that one and would've hated it more than how unrealistic the gang member letting her walk turned out to be.

Mac really pissed me off in this one too. I really wish he'd STFU instead of feeling the need to lecture other people (another cop nonetheless) about what's right and wrong. It's just beyond old and it's especially jarring ever since Flack shot Angell's killer and Mac in not so many words said he knew what happened and did nothing about it. Don't get me wrong. I love Flack and wouldn't want to see him gone from the show or turned into a bad guy, but Mac has no moral leg to stand on when he tells other people what they should and shouldn't do in their jobs/lives after giving Flack a pass.

I'm wondering if the rest of this season will bring back the MONTANA REFERENCE! drinking game of seasons past. :beer: I realize the only way people would know No Personality Monroe-Messer is from MONTANA! is by making pointless references to her being from there, but that ship should've sailed a long time ago.

I liked that Hawkes and Adam got more screen time, but didn't like that Danny got the shaft.

The only thing that made this one interesting is that I watched it today while eating lunch and had to work at keeping my food down because of the sawed in half body. I guess that makes it worth a C as well. :p
yeah i dont like this Lovato character as much as i LOVED Flack with Angell at the end of the episode I almost threw my remote at the tv becuz I was like if Lovato kisses Flack I'm gonna cry

yeah I was kinda upset that they cut Danny i LOVED Lindsay and her lumberjack line though and more Sheldon and Adam which I like alot im already gonna probably LOVE this week's new episode cuz its more ADAM xD can never get enough of that lab tech
The only thing that made this one interesting is that I watched it today while eating lunch and had to work at keeping my food down because of the sawed in half body. I guess that makes it worth a C as well. :p

My room mate was shocked when he saw that I was eating a bowl of oatmeal while watching that part without batting an eye :lol:
AJ Buckley posted the pic of him and the lower half of the DB body on facebook. I was like I know that scene. LOL