College class assignment; help?


Hi all,

I am taking a "Business Law" class in college, and I have been instructed to watch a law-based TV show and write a paper critiquing it. Since CSI is my all-time favorite TV show (and one of the two things I ever watch on TV, heh) I'd like to use one of the episodes.
Can anyone suggest a good episode that might have more "law" involved in it? The episode isn't *required* to have an especially large amount of legal stuff, but I'd like to see if I can find one that has more than most; maybe a court hearing or something...?

Anyway, thanks in advance for any/all help! :thumbsup:
3 episodes that come to mind are The Unusual Suspects, Invisible Evidence and Mea Culpa.
Have you tried Silk on BBC1?
That's definitely Law-based as its set in a Barristers Chambers in London.
If you're in the US of A, I'd recommend any of the Law & Order franchise.
Hey there,

I ended up using the episode "Invisible Evidence". Nice to watch an old episode with the original cast! Now, to write my paper! :wtf: