Favourite Character of CSI:NY ;)

I would have to say my Fav. character is Stella
The Jo becuase she is funny and cool.
I basically love the show it rocks.
that's a tough one really, I like them all a lot, but my overall favorites have to be Stella and Aiden
That's an easy one to answer:

Danny Messer!!!! :drool:

Next would obviously be Flack but I'm a Danny girl all the way. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
If you'd asked me the title of this thread during seasons one thru six I would've answered Mac Taylor. But in all honesty, my favorite character now is Jo Danville. I love Jo. To me, the addition of Jo was like a LARGE breathe of fresh air to a show that was getting very stale.
Ah yes Jo, how could I have forgotten about her?! :wtf:

I love Jo I think she's awesome, and your right she certainly is like a breath of fresh air for the show. So yep for me, it's Danny, Jo and Flack :lol:
I said I really like them all but JO is my favorite. She's one of the key components why this season us so successful. I hopewe get another season to explore more about her and the Danville family. Sela Ward is awesome.