You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

...when a cable station runs three back-to-back episodes and you don't tape them. Why not? They are the same exact ones already loaded on your iPod.

When the season finishes and you wonder what in the hell you're supposed to DO with your Saturday nights now.
...when you get an extra six marks on your chemistry GCSE and one extra mark on Biology GCSE thanks to CSI:NY! :)
...when you constantly quote CSI:NY to make you sound smarter(it only works if none of your friends watch it).
...when you correct you teacher on something based on what you heard on CSI:NY, have a small argument, earn a detention and then lose it becuase your teacher googles it and you were right :D!
....when you have just joined this site but still read through 30 pages of previous posts because they are CSI:NY related
...when you change your desktop from a picture of you adorable dog to a picture of CSI:NY! :)
... when you watch 'Percy jackson and the lightning thief' and say outloud "Omg! Stella's a greek goddess, wait 'til Mac finds out" then realise Mac wont find out becuase Stella's leaving and probably wont have the chance to tell him. ;)
When you're watching Everybody Loves Raymond and one of the characters mentions 'Ho Hos' and you think of Adam's famous 'Ho-Hos' line.
...when you just became fan after watching an entire season and then you change your profile pic on Facebook with the show's logo. LOL!:lol:
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You're driving along and as you pass a gas station which has sign next to where you turn in to it that says "Mac's First Stop". It takes everything in you and then some not to burst out laughing like the Joker in the Batman movies cause you know the person in the car with you won't get what's so amusing cause they're not a CSI: NY fan.

This actually happened to me Thursday-(August 12, 2010).
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....when you buy the first season DVD's and watch all the episodes within three days while you haven't watched CSI ever before.
When you thank Stella/Melina because you don't completely despise your crazy curly hair anymore!

During the fall you go through every high end department store looking for coats like the ones Stella wears.

Whenever you see the one kid in your grade that has the name Flack and start to giggle everytime you see him.

Your Chemistry teacher yells at you constanly for correcting her pronoucation of certain chemicals. (Happens more than once a class)