Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by spunky86, May 30, 2010.

  1. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chatapter 1

    Sheldon rushed into the lab, he was half an hour late again for the third time this month. As he was checking his messages at the front desk he heard a very angry Mac Taylor call his name.
    Mac:Where the hell have you been this morning. This is the third time this month you've been late! The next time I'll fire your ass! Is that clear!
    Before Sheldon could answer Stella came to his defense.
    Stella: Mac you need to back off! Come on Sheldon I'll tell you about the case.

    In the lab Stella is telling Sheldon about the case when she realizes Sheldon looks pale.
    Stella: Sheldon what's wrong?
    Sheldon: I'm just a little tired that's all.
    Stella:Sheldon you're pale and you can barely stand, stop lying to me. Tell me what's wrong.
    Sheldon: If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone.
    Stella: Ok just tell me what's going on.
    Sheldon: I have stage four colon colon cancer, I have six months to a year to live.
    Stella: Did you get a second opinion?
    Sheldon:Yes, and they all said the same thing. I'm doing radiation and chemotherapy that's why I've been late.
    Stella: Why didn't you tell anyone?
    Sheldon: I don't want anyones pity, so please whipe that look off your face.
    Stella: When is your next round of treatment?
    Sheldon: Today at 2pm.
    Stella: I'll meet you at 1:00 in the break room to drive you there. No arguments.
    Sheldon: Thanks Stell.
    Stella: I'll never let you go through this alone.
    Stella gives Sheldon a warm hug while holding back tears. She was about to loose the man she loves.
  2. ericandryanfan

    ericandryanfan Hit and Run

    Apr 7, 2010
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    awwwww, this story brill, update soon plz!
  3. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chapter 2
    Three months later.

    It was Tuesday morning and Shelson had not shown up for work. A very angry Mac calls Sheldon. Sheldon who is too weak from his last round of Chemo and Radiation therapy to answer the phone, just lets the call go to voicemail. Mac leaves a very nasty message for Sheldon telling him that he's tired of him slacking off and that if he doesn't get his ass to work within the next hour he would be fired. Stella walks in just as Mac slams the phone down.
    Stella: Mac what's the matter?
    Mac: Sheldon has not shown up for work and then has the audacity not to answer the phone when I called him.
    Stella: Maybe he didn't answer because he knew you would yell at him and he doesn't want to deal with you right now!
    Mac: Of course i'm gonna yell at him he didn't show up forf work.
    Stella: Well Sheldon isn't feeling well today ok and he may not come in tomorrow.
    Mac: He should've called me (Stella cuts Mac off)
    Stella: You self centered jerk! He called me and told me now get over it!
    Stella storms off and heads to Sheldon's apartment.

    At Shelson's apartment.

    Stella opens the apartment door and walks to Sheldon's room where she sees him sleeping so she decides to make him chicken noodle soup. The smell of the soup wakes Sheldon and he weakly walks out to the kitchen and sees Stella.
    Sheldon Hey Stell
    Stella: What are you doing up?
    Sheldon: The smell of the soup woke me, you don't have to do that.
    Stella: Sheldon go back to bed I'll bring the soup to you when it's done.
    Sheldon: Thanks. Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?
    Stella: Mac pissed me off, so I decided to check on you now rather than later. Now go back to bed you can barely stand.
    Sheldon: Makes no sense arguing with you. I'm off the bed.
    Stella: Thank you.

    Stella was just about to bring Sheldon the soup when her phone rang, she looked at the caller id and saw it was Don.
    Stella: Flack I can't talk right now.
    Don: Well hello to you too. I was just alling because there was some new evidence in the case and Mac wanted us all to meet and discuss it.
    Stella: Well I guess he'd just have to wait or go on with out me, because right now I'm very busy.

    Stella hangs up the phone and goes to give Sheldon the soup.
    Sheldon: If they need you back at work go I'm ok.
    Stella: You can barely sit up how are you gonna hold a spoon and eat hot soup? I'm not leaving you and don't you say another word.
    Sheldon: Yes mam (smiling weakly).
    After feeding Sheldon the soup Stella washed up the dishes and made sure that Sheldon wasn't in any pain before she left, she kissed Sheldon softly on his cheek before she left. She saw that she had 10 messages from the team and knew she would have to come up with a good lie.

    Back at the office the team meeting is about to start when Stella walks in.
    Don: We were just about to put out an APB for ya.
    Stella (harsly): I'm here now.
    Don: What is your problem today?
    Stella: Can we just get on with this meeting please?
    Mac: Not until you explain where you were and why you weren't answering our calls.
    Stella: I was at Sheldon's he has a very bad case of food poisoning and he will be out the rest of the week.
    Danny: That's horrible. I gotta call him later.
    Stella: That's not such a good idea, he's to weak to speak on the phone right now.
    Don: Stop being his mother Stella, we're just calling to see how he's doing, not taking him to the Mets game!
    Stella: FINE! Call him but when he doesn't answer don't say I didn't tell you!
    Linsdey: Ok can we all jsut calm down and talk abou the case?
    Stella: Best idea I've heard all day.

    They discuss the case and realize that they had all the evidence they needed to make an arrest. Stella saw that the suspect lived in the same apartment building as Sheldon so she decided to go with Mac and Flack.
    Don: We gotta go all the way out to Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn?! UGH!
    Mac: There's going to be a lot of traffic on the Brooklyn bridge right now.
    Stella: You two want to stop bitching and moaning?!
    Don: Stell whatever your problem is could you not tke it out on us?
    Stella: Don I'm sorry I'm pissed at Mac not you.
    Mac: You're still upset about this morning, are you serious? The man doesn't show up for work or calling sick and you're mad because I left him a voice message with a few choice words in it.
    Stella: He called me and thank God he has not heard that stupid voice nessage of yours and he never will because I eraised it. The las thing he needs right now is to deal with you and your crap.
    Don: Why are you so over protective of Sheldon it's like you're in love with him or something.
    Stella: He's my best friend and he's very sick right now. So yes I'm being protective of him. Now can we drop it!?

    They arrive at the apartment building and head to the suspects apartment on the 10th floor. When they get to the suspects apartment Stella realizes that hia aprtment number is 10c and it's directly above Sheldon's apartment 9c.
    Stella: Let's do this carefully ok?
    Don: When are we ever not careful?
    Mac: NYPD OPEN !
    There was no answer so Flack kicks the door down just as the suspect is about to go out the fire escape. Flack and Mac rush to the fire esape and cuff the suspect, while Stella quietly goes downstairs to make sure Sheldon was ok.

    Stella quietly opens the door and goes to Sheldon's room when she doesn't see him she walks to the batroom and finds him curled up in a ball on the floor. Stella rushes to him and holds him in her arms as she whispers "You're ok" in his ear.

    Mac and Flack realize that Stella is missing and hand the suspect over to a uniformed officer. They begin look around for Stella but can't find her. They knock on Sheldon's door but Stella had wisely shut off all the lights when she went in, so they left. Don calls Stella but her phone is turned off. Mac calls Adam and tells him to put a trace on Stella's phone, to their surprise it is traced to apartmet 9c. When Mac looks at the name for apartment 9c he sees it belongs to Sheldon.
    Danny and Lindsey rush to the apartment to help Mac and Flack, when they get there they meet a fuming Mac and Don. The all head to 9c and Mac knocks on the door.
    Ten seconds have passed still no answer.
    Don: Stella we know you're in there with Hawkes please open the door now.
    Mac grows impatient and breks the door down. They turn the lights on and search the apartment, Danny opens the bathroom door and finds Stella crying holding an unconscious Sheldon.
    Danny: Guys over here.
    They all run to the bathroom door.
    Mac: WHAT THE HELL IS ...... (stops when he sees what's going on)
    Stella: He's dying, he made me promise if he got worse no hospitals.
    Danny: What do you mean get worse? It can't get any worse than this.
    Stella: He has stage 4 colon cancer, he made me promise him that I wouldn't say anything until after his funeral.
    Lindsey: Well you promised him no hospitals but we didn't we're taking him now.
    Stella: Just respect his wishes.
    Don: I don't respect people giving up on life.
    Don and Mac take Sheldon and while Danny gets the car.
    Stella: Don to answer your question, yes I'm in love with him and he'll never know.
    Don (crying) : Yes he will because he's going to the hospital where he's gonna get a fighting chance.
  4. ericandryanfan

    ericandryanfan Hit and Run

    Apr 7, 2010
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    brill chapter, poor sheldon
  5. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chapter 3

    The team arrives at the hospital with Sheldon who is still unconscious.
    Don (crying): Somebody help us please! He's dying please help !
    Dr. Aubrey Hunter comes with a stretcher and has Don and Mac place Sheldon on it.
    Dr. Hunter:I'm gonna page his doctor, he's in good hands ok guys.
    The team just all nod with tears streaming down their faces.

    Three minutes later Dr. Cloretha Nevell apears.
    Dr. Nevell: Who found him?
    Stella: I went to check on him and found him unresponsive on the bathroom floor.
    Dr. Nevell: Why didn't you call 911.
    Don: We were doing an arrest in the apartment above his no one knew he was unconscious until she went to check on him.
    Dr. Nevell: I understand that. But by you picking him up and throwing him in your car you exposed him to infection. Had you called 911 he would be in a sterile environment.
    Danny: Listen Dr. we may not have your fancy degrees but we did what was best for him in that moment. Yeah we should've called 911 but then we'd have to wait 10 minutes for them to arrive. It took us 15 to get here, so I'd say we made the right choice.
    Dr. Nevell: We are going to give him another round of chemo therapy and monitor his condition. Does anyone know if he ate today?
    Stella: Yeah he had chicken noodle soup.
    Dr. Nevell: That's good. Did he drink any fluids?
    Stella: Half cup of Orange juice.
    Dr. Nevell: Thanks. I'll keep you posted on his condition.

    After Dr. Nevell walks off Danny turns to Stella.
    Danny: Why didn't you tell us he was sick Stell?
    Stella: He said he didn't want anyone to know.
    Don: Why would he keep something like this from us?
    Stella: He said he didn't want anyone's pity.
    Don: Pity? Are you kidding me?!
    Stella: He only told me because I realized something was up with him that morning when he came late. So I dragged it out of him and he made me promise not to say anything?
    Mac: And you're such a loyal friend that you kept this secret and was willing to let him die today?
    Stella: Mac he's my best friend and not only that, I'm in love with him. He maynot love me the way that I love him but at least he trusts me enough to keep his secret. And now he's gonna hate me.
    Don: Stella he wont hate you. He'll be mad for a minute but then realize we all did what was best for him.
    Danny: We should call his family.
    Stella: They haven't spoken to him since he became a CSI. They think he's wasting his life.
    Don: Well they better get over it. Do you have their number?
    Stella: Yeah he told me to call them only when he died.
    Don: Well the rules have changed I'm calling them. And if they don't come I'm gonna hop on a plane to Detroit and drag their asses back to New York.
    Stella hands Don the numbe and he walk's off to call them.

    Mrs. Hawkes hears the phone ringing and walks to it.
    Mrs.Hawkes: Hello.
    Don: Hi is this the Hawkes residence?
    Mrs. Hawkes: Yes
    Don: This is Dective Don Flack of the NYPD. I'm sorry to inform you that Sheldon is dying.
    Mrs. Hawkes: What do you mean dying?
    Before Don could answer Mr. Hawkes walks over and takes the phone from his wife's hand and answers the phone in an aggressive tone.
    Mr. Hawkes: Who is this?!
    Don: This is Dective Don Flack of the NYPD I just told your wife ....(Mr. Hawkes cuts him off)
    Mr. Hawkes: If this is about Sheldon we don't want to know.
    Don (angrily): He's dying just wanted you to know that.
    Mr. Hawkes: Your point is!
    Don: My point is that he's about to see that big bright light and cross over to the other side.
    Mr. Hawkes: Call us when that happens.
    Don (shouting): I'll do you one better how about we send you the bill for his funeral after we bury him!?
    He closes his phone and walks back to the team.

    Linsdey: What's the matter FlacK?
    Don: His asshole father said to give them a call when he's dead.
    Stella: Told you they didn't get along.
    Danny: I don't care it's his son. How the hell angry can you be that you don't even care about your dying son?
    Mac: Hey atleast he has us and we all love him.
    They all nod their heads while praying that Sheldon lives.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  6. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chapter 4

    It's been 2 hrs. since Sheldon was brought to the hospital. The team began to feel nervous, just then Dr. Nevell apared.

    Stella: How is he?
    Dr Nevell: The chemo has made him violently ill and he's a little dihydrated.
    Stella: Can we see him?
    Dr. Nevell: Yes. Hospital policy is two persons at a time, but I'll make an exception, he needs all the love he could get right now.
    Danny: Thanks Doc.
    Dr. Nevell: You're welcome. He's in room 207 B.
    The team smiled and walked to his room. When they walked in he was sitting over a bedpan throwing up, Stella went over to him and gently started rubbing his back.

    Danny: Hey pal how you feeling?
    Sheldon(smiling): Like I have stage four cancer.
    Don: Not funny man. You scared the hell outta us.
    Lindsey: Do you need water or anything?
    Sheldon: No I jsut need to lay down.
    Stella helped him lay back on the bed and gave him a warm smile, he gently held her hand and smiled at her.
    Mac: Sheldon I'm sorry about the other day.
    Sheldon: Mac it's ok I'm not mad.
    Mac: But I am I should've known something was wrong but I let my anger get in the way.
    Sheldon: Mac stop it's ok really. It's not as if I told anyone besides Stella.
    Danny: About that. What was up with that?
    Sheldon: I didn't want anyone's pity and I didn't want you guys to worry.
    Don: You didn't want us to worry? What do you think we've been doing for the last two hours, having a barbeque? And no one is feeling pity for you but nice try.
    Sheldon: I'm sorry I should've trusted you guys.
    Lindsey: It's ok we're here now and that's all that matters.
    Sheldon smiled then closed his eyes and fell asleep. The team decided the weren't leaving him, so Stella got on the bed and warmly wrapped her arms around Sheldon, while everyone else slept on a chair or on the floor.

    The next morning.

    It was 9 am the next day when the team was awaken by a an aggressive male voice.
    Danny(in protective mode): Who the hell are you?
    Mr. Hawkes: His father unfortunately (pointing at Sheldon).
    Danny was about to say something when Mac gave him a look.
    Mac: I'm Mac Taylor Sheldon's boss and friend. Who are the two ladies with you?
    Mr. Hawkes: My wife and my daughter.
    Don: Daughter?!
    Sheldon begins to stir and Stella gives Flack a dirty look.
    Stella: How about we take this discussion outside, Sheldon had a rough night, and he really needs his rest.
    They all step outside.
    Stella: I'm Stella Bonasera. Nice to meet all of you.
    They just nod.
    Danny: I'm Danny Messer and this is my wife Lindsey Messer (points to Linsdey).
    Don: I'm Don Flack I'm the one who called you.
    Krystal (Sheldon's sister): You said he was dying he looks fine to me.
    Stella: Well he is. He has stage 4 Colon cancer. He was unconscious yesterday and at death's door when we brought him in.
    Mrs. Hawkes: You said he had a rough night?
    Stella: The chemo made him sick, he was throwing up a lot lastnight.
    Mr. Hawkes: And you all decided to baysit him right?
    Danny: You know what?
    Mac: Danny cool it.
    Stella looks ino Sheldon's room and sees he's awake. Before she could say anything Sheldon's grandfather arrives.
    Mr. Hawkes: This is Sheldon"s grandfather General Hawkes.
    Mac: General nice to meet you. Let me introduce you to the team. He points to each member and says their name.
    General: Well let's not keep a dying man waiting. And walks to Sheldon's room.
    Sheldon becomes un-nerved when he sees his family. The team seeing his nervousness get into protective mode ready to strike.
  7. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Hi, there. Welcome to the site, first of all. Feel free to post a message in the Welcome thread. Also, please take a look at this thread There are some helpful guidelines there. I hope you like it here at talkcsi. Happy posting.

  8. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Hey thanks for the heads up.
  9. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chapter 5

    Sheldon looked at his family in fear knowing exactly what was going to happen.

    General Hawkes: So what's the matter with you?

    Sheldon: Stage 4 Colon cancer. I have 6 months to a year to live.

    General Hawkes: They said you were dying. You're not. You're just acting like a little baby.

    Danny: You know what! Sheldon doesn't have to take this.

    General Hawkes: Mind your business!

    Don:When you come up in here attacking our friend it is our business.

    Krystal: You're not his family we are.

    Danny: Well atleast we don't treat him like crap. How do you come up in here see him hooked up to machines looking like death wormed over and still treat him like crap?

    Krystal: You never had to compete with perfect little Sheldon all your life. It was all about him for mom and dad. Their perfect little genius.

    Danny: So you're jealous of him? Unbelievable! He's here fighting for his life and all you can think about is some childhood grudge.

    Mrs Hawkes: She has every right to feel this way. We spoiled Sheldon, we stood by him when he went to college at 14 then he throws his life away to become a CSI. Now he can't even help us financially.

    Stella: Are you kidding this all about him being a CSI and not being able to give you money?

    Mr. Hawkes is about to say something when Sheldon yells.
    Sheldon (weakly): All of you get out!

    Stella: I don't think that's a good idea, you shouldn't be alone right now.

    Sheldon: I'd rather be alone than have to deal with this bickering right now. Now please just leave.

    Mac holds Stella and walks out of the room. Danny looks back and says "We'll be right outside if you need us.

    Out in the hallway.

    General Hawkes: Who the hell do you people think you are talking to my family that way?

    Mac: We're the people who are gonna kick your ass. How dare you come here and treat your own flesh and blood like garbage because he didn't stay a surgeon?

    General Hawkes: He thinks he's better than us, and now that he's got a boo boo he wants us all to run to his side. Did he ever mention us?

    Danny: No he didn't and I could see why. And by the way he doesn't have a boo boo, he has a fatal illness called cancer ever heard of it?

    Krystal: We know what cancer is, we're just not catering to his every need like you

    Don: Is there a doctor around?

    Lindsey: Why?

    Danny: He's thinking DNA test

    Don: Damn right. There's no way in hell he could be related to these clowns, he has to be adopted.

    At that very moment a code blue is called to Sheldon's room. Everyone watches helplessly as the doctors and nurses run to the room.
  10. spunky86

    spunky86 Hit and Run

    May 28, 2010
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    Chapter 6

    It's been three hours since Sheldon's code blue, which shook the team to their core. Sheldon's family still seemed unphased by the day's events. Stella is sitting next to Sheldon holding his hand when he wakes up and looks at her. Stella smiles warmly and whispers "Hi".
    Sheldon: Hi yourself.
    Stella: You scared us half to death for a minute.
    Danny: It was more like ten.
    Don: Sheldon Hawkes if you ever scare us like that again I will beat the crap outta you. Got it!?
    Sheldon(smiling): Sorry guys.
    Linsdey: There's no need to be sorry. We all love you that's all.
    Sheldon: Well not all of you. Mom, Dad, Krystal you can go now. You can come back when I'm dead, in that way I don't have to see you pretending to be worried.
    Mrs. Hawkes (crying): Baby it's not that we don't love you, we're just disappionted that you threw away a promising career as a doctor to become a dumpster diver.

    At this point someting in Sheldon snapped and he started yelling.
    Sheldon: Well Mom I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm happy being a CSI, and these people in this room have shown me more leve in 7yrs than you have shown me in a lifetime. So do me a favor and GET OUT NOW!!!!.

    The entire room froze, no one has ever seen Sheldon that angry before. And no one knew what to say except for Stella.
    Stella: Baby I know you're upset, and you're scared but so are we. Flack, Danny, Linsdey, Mac and me , we're your family and we love you. And futher more I'm in love with you and I want to spend the time that you have left making you happy.
    Sheldon: Wow. I'm in love with you too. I just never said anything because I thought you were intrested in Mac.
    Stella and Mac: What!?
    Stella: I love Mac as a friend, he's sweet, but he can also be arrogant and self righteous.
    Mac (smiling): Gee thanks.
    Stella: I've been too afarid to see what was right infront of me. Lets get married today. I don't want to waste another moment being scared.
    Sheldon: You do know I'm dying right?
    Don: Is that why you're hooked up to all these tubes? I thought it was just a fashion statement. Would you stop wasting time and just marry the damn woman?
    Sheldon: That's the first sensible thing you've said in 7yrs.
    Don: I have my moments.
    Sheldon: Yes Stella I'll marry you.
    Danny: great let me go find a Minister.
    Linsdey: Stella come with me. We got to do your hair and makeup.
    Stella: I'm fine like this.
    Don: No you're not! Mac and I are getting the groom a tux. He can't look shabby on his wedding day.
    Kyrstal: Are you guys serious? He's dying there's no need for him to get married right now. He wasted hos chance anyway.
    Linsdey(angry): Listen missy! (Danny and Flack glance at eachother) She walked out on him. So don't expect him to sit there and pine over her when he has a woman who loves him right here. Stella maynot be what you want for him, but it's what he wants. And if you have a problem with that don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!
    Mrs. Hawkes: Stella I know you love him, but what areyou goning to do six months from now when he's dead? Did you think about that?
    Before Stella could answer Dr. Nevell walked in with a smile on her face.
    Dr. Nevell: I have some good news for you Sheldon.
    Sheldon: Ok what is it?
    Dr. Nevell: Your last MRI showed that your tumor has srunk by 35%
    Don: So what does that mean?
    Sheldon (crying) : It means that I'm in remission. I'm not dying anymore.
    The team: Thank God.
    Dr. Nevell: Let's not get too excited, he still has to do more chemo and radiation until the cancer compleltely disappears. I'll talk to you later Sheldon.
    Sheldon holds Stella's hand smiling at her.
    Sheldon: How about we hold off on the wedding for now?
    Stella: Yeah I think that's a great idea.
    Then Sheldon looks at Danny.
    Sheldon: Danny you're not off the hook. As my best man you have to help me get the limo, the tuxsedos and the rings.
    Danny: With pleasure.

    Six months Later
    It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Central Park. It Sheldon and Stella were getting married in the park at 2pm so the whole team were running around getting things in order.

    Sheldon stood at the alter in a an ivory suit with a gold tie. The grooms men consisted of Danny the best man, Don, and Adam all of them wearing the same color suit as Sheldon. The birdes maids were Linsdey the Maid of Honor, Peyton and Aubry, they all wore Lavender dresses (stella's favorite color) with silver shoes and a white orchid wrapped around the buns in their hair.

    Then Stella entered with in a beautiful white sleeveless gown with a tiara on her head. She grippedMac as he walked her down the isle of the park. When Sheldon and Stella saw eachother they began to cry. When she got to the altar the Minister welcomed everyone and began the ceremony. He read a passage from the Bible and then told the couple to rxchange the vows which they had written.

    Stella: Sheldon' you have brought joy to my life and I ca't believe it's take me seven years to see that love was right before my eyes. It took almost loosing you to see how much I love you. You give me strength, joy and peace. I want to spend forever with you.
    Sheldon: Stella you make me a better man. Your unconditional love has given me reason to live. I love you from the depths of my soul.

    They then exchanged rings and were pronounced husband and wife.
    The reception was also at the park. It was now 7pm and the sun began to set. Mac who was the moderator decide this was the perfect time for the couple to have their first dance.

    As the sun set Sheldon and Stella danced to Mariah Carey and Luther Vandross' version of My Endles Love.
    After they danced they greeted their guests and then proceeded to cut a three tier Red Velvet cake that Linsdey had custom made for them.
    After the cake cutting Mac called the bridal party to the dance floor where they all did the Cha, Cha Slide.
    The happy couple danced until 1 am. They thanked everyone for coming and were about to leave. Before they could Mac called them to the middle of the dance floor.
    Mac: Stella, Sheldon, we know you guys couldn't afford a honeymoon but you're going on one. Then Don came up with an envelope.
    Don: This is from all of us. It's an all expense paid 4 week cruise to the Caribbean. We love you guys. Now get outta here!
    Sheldon and Stella hugged their friends and left for their honeymoon.

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