Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

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Oh, I already have a few copies. Got it the minute it came out. Couldn't let this gem of an interview get away. :) I don't think we should get into a debate of who's prettier. :thumbsup: Everyone has a different preference. I think they're both beautiful in different ways.
So Jorja has joined an ad campaign with Peta, to stop the Canadian Seal Hunt, which is about to start this November. As someone who was born and raised in the Great White North, I strongly oppose this. I understand it comes from a tradition of MANY, many years ago. But there are other ways to honour a tradition. In case you don't know, thousands of seals, mostly babies, are beaten to death for their fur during the Seal Hunt.

Jorja's Ad

A very good cause and Jorja looks great.
I saw that kaylyne a Cancer;) thank's. Here's one from a ways back with her guys~celebrating Gregs proficiency test~

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