Hey guys! Just stopping by to see how all you lovely The Love shippers are doing! I'm trying to catch up and see if theres been any Nick/Greg subtexty goodness the last 2 seasons. Lol I had a bit if a falling out with CSI, but I'm wanting to get back into it, even if only for my support of The...
Wow, it sure has been forever & a day since I've posted here. How is everyone? I check in every once in awhile on my fellow fans & see if there's any good The Love news. I didn't watch much of last season.... but from what I hear, it was a good one for Nick & Greg. Yes? No? Did I miss much? lol...
Well, well, well... fancy seeing you all here. :P How's it going everyone? Still lovin' The Love I see! Awesomesauce! So, what's the scoop? I know y'all are hoping for some sweetness between our boys next season. Keep those fingers crossed, Lovelies!!
"Damn! I think that's blood!" Oh, Nicky my boy, you are too much. XD
What's all this about Nick getting a girlfriend? I haven't been watching the new eps much and haven't been on The Fort for awhile, either.
I need details, ladies and gents! :P Hey, where are all the regs. btw?
Psh, TPTB have been trying to kill The Love since day one.
But, as we often do, you can find subtext in anything.
Especially, when it comes to Nick/Greg, cuz they've GOT IT.
There, 3 lines, right? XD Btw, HELLO EVERYONE!
I'm 20 and have been watching since it first aired; so... since I was about 12. I still remember getting the S4 DVD set, brand new on my 16th birthday. Wow, seems like so long ago. :D
I'm all for the good old-fashioned crime solving episodes, but all I can say is, case wise... the writers need to come up with some new material. How many sibling-unintentionally-kills-another-sibling-and-parent-tries-to-cover-it-up episodes do they have now?
Nonetheless, it was a pretty good...
Just to put it out there, Wendy [and Sara] are the only one's I didn't like. I'm a huge Catherine, Sophia, and even Mandy fan. But there was just something about those two particular women that annoyed me. To be honest, I do like the men better, because I've always been able to identify better...
I'm not a big fan of Wendy. She just comes off as sort of... I don't know, flighty to me. She's just annoying and unnecessary, in my opinion. Maybe that's why she and Hodges make such a great couple. :P
Wow... what happened to this place? I'm gone for a couple of months and all of a sudden the Fort is slowly disintegrating? XD Darn strike!
So, are you guys gonna watch the new eps? I'm still holding out some hope for our boys. From what I've read in the spoilers page, it looks like they're...
Yeah, I love nearly all of Imogen Heap's songs. And a lot of them really remind me of Nick/Greg. :) Here's another song that reminds me of our boys!
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy ~Queen
I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango just for two
I can serenade...