Recent content by Zelda

  1. Zelda

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    The pictures in posts one and six have me all in a tizz. I love a man in a suit/shirt and tie.
  2. Zelda

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    A beautiful sight :drool: I do love a man with strong arms.
  3. Zelda

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    I think it's the part where the ridiculously cute little boy points at the vending machine and Mac goes into daddy mode, telling him he can have the chocolate after he's eaten proper food and told him a story.
  4. Zelda

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    I'm watching Necrophilia Americana for the nth time. Mac + cute child = me going soppy and getting broody.
  5. Zelda

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I postivley hate that lawyer lady. Full credit to Rena Sofer for making her character so unlikeable.
  6. Zelda

    Who would be your ideal guest(s) on NY?

    Alan Rickman. For no reason other than having him and Gary Sinise on screen together would be awesome.
  7. Zelda

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    CSISenna, thank you very much for posting those. I especially like the third picture! I'm glad Ziva is back, but something about her facial expression when she was hugging Abby seemed "off".
  8. Zelda

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    David McCallum (Ducky) was on The One Show on Monday. It's on the iPlayer until Monday. His segment starts 12 minutes 17ish seconds in.
  9. Zelda

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    ^^^ cute outfit! Here be me, trying out a new makeup colour combination...
  10. Zelda

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    Thank you for posting that. My heart was shattered this morning, and that has put it back together again :) Never underestimate the power of a beautiful man making a suggestive look :lol:
  11. Zelda

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    Oh good cod how hot would that be :drool: *picks self off floor* They need more cute children so Mac can bring out his caring side.
  12. Zelda

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    That's what I imagine his "You, me, in the supply closet. Now" face looks like :devil: It's 1646 on a Friday afternoon and my mind is back where it belongs. The gutter :D
  13. Zelda

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I enjoyed the finale. Still don't know what to make of Vance, and am praying for Ziva :(
  14. Zelda

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    Bigmac no longer means burger to me. I now associate that with the rather delicious screenshot of Mac when he was wet and p****d off.
  15. Zelda

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    "do not grab". Were those words painted on after he spotted his fans :p I am loving the uniform pics.