Recent content by xXluvinMiamiXx

  1. X

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    numero #5 for me =D
  2. X

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    ok no prob :) my bad.
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    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    wow i haven't been here in a long time..... has anyone given a thought into whether Adam and Emily could possibly hook up in the future? I mean it's really weird watching them with other people.....or am i just paranoid. They have soo much chemistry on and off camera that it just seems like...
  4. X

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    for some reason i wanna say: Eric and Calleigh in "10-7"
  5. X

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    its cute how their wardrobe always seem to match (it's like they're teasing us) ;) thanks for the pic tiptoes, you are forgiven for not being here in a while. :D
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    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    your right jess, calleigh's eyes would totaly betray her. just like in all those scenes where you can tell she just wants to pounce on eric lips in the middle of the lab. their eye sex says it all ;) :devil: wow valentines day is coming up already?!?! gotta get started on that fic. *quick...
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    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    a picture and a clip!!!!'s too hot to handle :) great job adorelo and calleighD you just made my year. hehehe. can i borrow both clips please? i promise to give you all the credit :)
  8. X

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    it's okay jodie i feel the same way :( i'm still in denial that she's almost 40. she's looks like she's 25 or someting. But it's awesome that she always acts really down to earth in interviews, not like other celebrities who can't seem to stop talking about themselves and their upcoming...
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    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion i havent been here in a while *ducks incoming objects* well i saw the magazine and i noticed also that she never mentioned eric or adam. hmmmm??? i still don't believe that when she said that she might find love again she meant jake. maybe she was trying to secretly hints us that she...
  10. X

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    stole the words completely out of me (though i would've had like a million typos) :lol: i agree with you 110% -claudia (out looking for a life)
  11. X

    How old are all CSI fans?

    16 almost 17, my b-day is actually 3 days after Adam Rodriguez's birthday. makes me feel special -claudia (currently looking for a life)
  12. X

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    jenne i thought you were over at omg are you stalking me?!?!?! aaahhhhh. (just kidding) :lol: so on the fic, i got a pretty good idea on what i want to write but seeing as adorelo loves angst :D i'm thinking of making it more angsty than fluffy. hmmm i don't know. :(...
  13. X

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    >when you practically rip your (family member's) head off when they interrupt you during csi: miami >, talk csi, and other csi related pages become your homepage >you get this empty feeling when you don't watch miami at least once in 24 hrs >you seem to be flunking US history because...
  14. X

    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past wow so his birthday is 3 days before mine? could this be a sign O_o? (i'm just kidding) so doesn anyone know if he wears his glasses because he has to or because he knows he looks hot in them?
  15. X

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    i know were not asking much maybe throw in some heated kiss in the balistics lab. thats not much too ask for right? and i like your idea of the push against the wall kiss. very hot. eeeek i'm blushing i blame you hehehe just kidding. and on your bedroom fic, i almost choked on my juice when i...