Recent content by Washington Pride

  1. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    I can't wait to see LF new movie. It looks great
  2. Washington Pride

    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I hope he gets his contract signed I wish they would tell us who is coming back on next season :( I hate not knowing
  3. Washington Pride

    "In a Dark, Dark House" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    whoops :alienblush: posted this on the wrong thread. I got my episode titles mixed up.
  4. Washington Pride

    "In a Dark, Dark House" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Great episode :) Ray was great in it. I jest hope he can save himself and Gloria. The cliff hanger at the end was great.
  5. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Nice to see new faces here:) Hi Macgirlmel Thanks for the nice pics Desertwind
  6. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Nate is so creepy :eek: I hope Ray gets him
  7. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Nate is so creepy :eek: I hope Ray gets hime
  8. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Hi Masifmobilya :) Glad to see a new face on this thread. P.m me any time.
  9. Washington Pride

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Lovely pics :) I can't wait for the new episode. I hope Ray kicks the crude of of Haskel.
  10. Washington Pride

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

    I couldn't agree more. They are really trying to scare away any one who likes Ray, I wish someone would do something about it, because he really is a great CSI.
  11. Washington Pride

    "Unleashed" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I totally agree with you. Raymond is an amazing CSI. I have no idea why people don't like him. I can't wait for the final show down either. It should be great :thumbsup:
  12. Washington Pride

    Who Said It and What Episode? #3

    Was it Raymond in "The list"
  13. Washington Pride

    "Unleashed" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I am excited for this episode. I feel sorry for Sara having to deal with Heather. I can't wait to see some cattiness between them. I think Sara will get the upper hand at the end, but you never know.
  14. Washington Pride

    "Unleashed" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Can you send us a link to that? I can't seem to find it :wtf:
  15. Washington Pride

    "Hitting for the Cycle" **SPOILERS**

    I was laughing throughout this episode. I loved Brass's comments. They always make me smile. I didn't like the new guy Kivin, but I guess I don't have to worry about him now. I thought Ray was great as usual. I think he misses his ex-wife :( poor guy. I think it was a great episode and a defiant...