Recent content by Warsteiner

  1. W

    "A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Yes...and the sweet girl he could date is ME!!!
  2. W

    Who would you...........???

    Nick...he is hot,funny,gentleman,a buddy to drink a beer with and of course i would invite sara and try to get her and nick together...he he....
  3. W

    Taking the Initiative (Snickers)

    I need more...can´t wait for the next chapter!!Really good story!
  4. W

    Taking the Initiative (Snickers)

    I like it!Next chapter please!!
  5. W

    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    I think it will go on.He isn´t the only reason why people watch csi,but i will miss him if he leaves!
  6. W

    Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

    I would love to see Homer Simpson on the show and Arnold Schwarzenegger on the autopsy table!
  7. W

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I think she should date the whole lab!!!No...Nick is perfect for her!They look good together!
  8. W

    Who is your fav cath/sara/sofie? Take the poll!!

    Sara is my number one!I like catherine too but i don´t like sofia...i think i never will!
  9. W

    Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

    I can live without sofia..i don´t like her!
  10. W

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Yeah...and you know how chocolate tastes without tastes like twix..uuuuhh!
  11. W

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I think sara should be with nick!!It´s like chocolate with nuts....SNICKERS!
  12. W

    Who do you think Hodges should be with?

    Re: Who do you think... Hodges and Lady Heather!
  13. W

    Who do you think Hodges should be with?

    Re: Who do you think... Yea i absolutely agree with you!
  14. W

    Who do you think Hodges should be with?

    Re: Who do you think... Sofia!!
  15. W

    Dislike a Ship?

    Re: worst couples !!!! I hate Grissom/Sara because she belongs to Nick!Grissom should date a spider or something!!