I've already seen the episode It's just that I knew there weren't going to be hardly any mentions of Eric so I didn't pay 100% attention to it when I was watching it and yeah I did see when he was metioned at the beggining I just hoped I had maybe missed the other bit that was so talked about in...
In episode 8.02 Hostile Takeover I know in the spoilers it said that Eric called Natalia to ask if they were ok or if Calleigh was ok, was that scene actually on the episode because if it was I missed it, does anybody know what part of the ep. it was in if it was (beggining, end ....) or even...
Cheryl Ladd ("Charlie's Angels") and Tia Carrere ("Dancing With the Stars") Guest Star
"Bolt Action" - Three volleyball players...
OMG! So intense! poor Eric, poor H, poor Calleigh! I really hope he's fine! and it will be sad but I would really like to see a scene like that with Calleigh ... but as long as Eric is ok!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #37
Haha, I was watching that episode a few weeks ago so funny when Calleigh is getting interviewed and is being silly and saying things like that her dad calls her lamb chop and the other woman is just staring at her like ...:wtf:
I thought that scene that looks like...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #37
It probably is just Adam messing with us but it sure does have me worried, anyway lets just hope we get some spoilers with good news ! I can't wait to see was is going to happen in season 8 with E/C! Hope the wait doesn't become too long but it already has!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #37
Yeah! Nice new thread! Hopefully soon we'll get lots of good news about what's going on and some nice possible hiphugger moments!! :)
Love the interview Adam and Emily just seem to get on so well I wonder if Emily got the little puppy in the end .. Adam is so funny driving the hummer and can't even see where he is going...:lol:
Gosh I haven't been on here for ages I'm on holiday and I have a rubish slow internet conection but it's better than nothing .. so much has been going on round here since I was here .. sorry about that!
The pic is so sweet doesn't the jacket that Emily is wearing look like the one Adam was...
Eric was so hot when he was threatining that suspect even though he had a weird shirt on! :D
I really hope the viewing keeps up because I think there are better episodes in this season than the premiere so hopefully that will help it! Has there been a promo or an advert on for the second episode...
I had already seen it but I couldn't reallly remember I ejoyed it also and I loved the Calleigh and Jake scene! And the best thing was that the ratings where the highest beating all the channels with 18 % share I believe!
Number .... 3 , because most of us want the sex scene and I would just love to see the whole lab finding out because I can't imagine how they would do it but I'm sure we would get a very funny scene from Natalia or Ryan :lol:
Yes it starts at 9 pm I posted it on the Questions Thread the other day... have put any promos on yet? It's just that I live in Spain but I also have UK television channels but for some weird reason five has stopped working but I'll hopefully be able to get it fixed by next Tuesday! I've already...
I can't read the E! article but if Emily is pregnant or does get pregnant I would totally love EC to have kids, they would be so cute!! I could definitely imagine them looking like the little girl on season 5 finale (sorry I forgot her name), but I think it should be a planned pregnancy because...