Thank You sucker4-smacked. I rememer that scene had the butterflies flying al over in my stomach when that scene aired. The more drama that builds up, the biger the finale. And our finale for the arc was stupendous.
Our SMacked filled episode is this Wednesday?!?!?!?!? YAY!!! Remind me to get...
Hello? Wow. It's been like what, since May? I like what ya'll have done with the place! I've been sooooooo busy this summer. It was 80 miles an hour. Now it's about 50. I missed you guys.
I need to get back into my CSI mode. It kept me sane... or was it insane. Anyway... I've hardly been able...
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Getting ballroom shoes! Just ordered them off the internet.
About the SMacked scene in the finale- My mom always hears about my rambles when we could have a kiss on the cheek or not. Like when Stella got attacked by the slavois or whatever his name...
I only have 30 minutes left of being 16. :( Oh well....
Kay. I have this great friend on youtube you makes videos and I requested a song and she made an amazing video! Smacked of course. Go to youtube and type in "CSI: NY- Walk You Home" and it's like the first thing that pops up. It's really...
Axel: How old are you, babe? This teen SMacked is "16 going on 17." Will be 17 on Monday. *uber-gasp* Seriously? Didn't ya'll just get finished wishing me a happy 16th birthday? I think watching CSI has made my life go by really fast.:confused:
I should post this in the soundtrack thread but...
Hola people! I apologize if I misspell something, just came back from the eye doctor- eyes dilated.
Debbie: You're not about to go all Taylor Swift on us, are you?:p Not like there is anything wrong with that.:)
texmex: Sorry, haven't seen the hot cuban anywhere. But I've been keeping an...
I got the smilie at I think. I was looking through the "Love Smilies" section and I found it and I was like "*uber-gasp* Perfect!":):) I would post a link but I don't know if I'm allowed to. If you type in 'free smiles' in your search engine, and you click on the few...
Did someone mention a kiss scene in the rain? That is my dream! Out of all my ships that have come true, none of them have kissed in the rain.:( It would be so adorable!!!
Let's see,... Mac and Stella (who are obviously getting closer) grab a coffee (;)) and take a stroll through Central Park...
*looks at Adorable Crazy's banner*:drool::drool::drool: Have you seen 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' yet?;)
Okay. Ever since 'GFD' aired, I have had a better respect for coffee. Ot at least I look at it differently.:p I should totally use the whole "Your soul has a shadow" on someone.:lol: I...
Hi to all new comers!!! We take the occasional trip to Gutterville just to let you know. The weather isn't too nice right now, but will most likely clear up soon.:P
Okay, so I am not the only one who thought Stella was going to kiss Mac right then and there in the lab? My heart was pounding...
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flying monkey tackle hugs*
I haven't talked to you in forever! Are you new here?:)
Okay, I am listening to Celine Dion's "I'm Alive' right now, and i have SMacked clips running through my head. When all of this shooting and Dubrook...
Anj: Which interviews?:drool:
Did anyone else notice that before the ending conversation last night, that Mac was waiting outside of Stella's office? Usually it's she walks out and he is walking in that direction and they start talking. It looks like he was leaning against the glass as he...
OMG. Last night was such a roller coaster... *toasts to Angell*... I loved her so much.
The SMacked at the end. Wow. I really didn't expect much of them for last night since we got a big dose on Wednesday. But that would probably count in my book as the biggest moment, or at least the...
"The 'S' is for Stella; the woman in your life you sometimes adore and sometimes drives you crazy."
So true. But honestly, I think he always adores her. The craziness comes every now and then. Unless we are referring to how he is 'crazily' in love with her.
The hottest part? When he caught...
Oh. My. GOD! Last night was so magnificently phenomenal, I couldn't fall asleep. I was so nervous that we wouldn't be spending alot of time in Greece at first but we spent a whole half hour/ 20 minutes! Yay! So many touching moments. I want to know what they said to each other that night when...