Recent content by Urockmaworld

  1. U

    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Happy Easter!!! :D He loooked absolutely delicious in the last episode!! :drool:
  2. U

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    yayyyy, travers and dave...Love them Both And I too hope Valera comes back...These three can make a great team on their own in the lab ....*wishful thinking*
  3. U

    Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

    I was watching Risk a few days ago, and besides the first scene, the one where they are in the lab with adam explaining about the sharks just gave us more reason to believe there was def smething cooking
  4. U

    Shipper Central Welcome and Suggestions Thread

    There isnt any Lindsay/Marty thread here, is there?
  5. U

    Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

    Why hasnt there been any activity in this thread, its been so long someone ever posted here, Now that D/L are together, did the spark between M/L die?
  6. U

    Ryan/Jon #26 - 'We Want More Ryan'!

    Ryan looked FIIINEEE in the promo... How I miss seeing My togo in full action..
  7. U

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    What??? Natalia can't lose her hearing, this is too much. And No Valera again? This sucks...My RaVe ship sunk =( I hate this...
  8. U

    8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Ryan's hungry. Awww. It was cute the way he said that. :lol: Exactly, i was like awwww..=D "How in the hell did you fit under there?" :lol: That was "Eyeballs are like my Kryptonite." :lol: I love when Calleigh was sneaking up on Walter to show him the eye... and then her...
  9. U

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yes Yes..The two of the coolest ppl in the lab =)
  10. U

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    See i said that Valera is not goin to be in this episode I am so sad, i want to see her so badly , its been a long time But valera is still there in the lab cuz natalia said her name in the eppy Bad Seed, so im still hopin we wud see her:)
  11. U

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    OmG...Ryan looks so nice...and with horatio...yayyy Looking forward to an ample amount of screen time for Ryann I now only have one complain left..No Valera...=( I have a bad feeling shes not coming back.
  12. U

    Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

    I love Valera no matter what the hairstyle..she looks equally great in all of them...Does anyone know when can we see our beloved Valera on the SHow?? I really miss seeing that gorgeous face..
  13. U

    Ryan/Jon #24 - 'Just Take The Shirt Off Already!'

    OMG..thanks alot for the caps...U r the best;):drool: Yay for him being in the credits b4 Eddie..:)
  14. U

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    it wud be such an eye soother to c more scenes between them for longer durations the new season... This is one pair that just burns up the screen with their sizzling chemistry nd have so much potential..and a promo with them 2 gther in a scene wud be icing on the cake... i want concern from...
  15. U

    Ryan/Jon #24 - 'Just Take The Shirt Off Already!'

    eeee...i want to see a promo with ryan in it looking all hot... we ve seen every1 else but ryan..common we want a promo