Recent content by umbrello

  1. U

    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    That was why I was thinking a letter, or card would be more appropriate, as oppose to just showing up. Because a part of me can't help but think that as much she grieves with the rest of the team, she will always hold back a significant part of her grief. As seen by when Eddie died. She didn't...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    As much as I like the all the hot non pg-13 action :thumbsup:, I also like the idea of the 2 of them enjoying quiet domestic moments. I was thinking of the 4 of them, Allison, Lindsey, Lady Heather and Catherine all enjoying an afternoon in the park, or maybe the backyard. Lindsey would be...
  3. U

    Grissom/Catherine/Lady Heather--A Slap and a Whip

    What's that?:confused: I love the ideas being suggested. Such dirty minds you all have, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. :thumbsup:
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    :o I know this was asked a while ago, but here's my take. Cath and LH are both very much alpha females, so I think that Catherine might be a little nervous if LH were to show up as an employee. Outwardly she would be all smiles and welcomes, but inwardly she would be worried that LH would take...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    It's been awfully quiet here. :alienblush: Maybe it's a dumb idea. But I couldn't help wondering, what if they had met earlier. Instead of becoming a csi, Catherine had gone into business with Lady Heather?
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    I need to come here more often.:rommie: I haven't been here in a long time. I was actually thinking of writing a one-shot were the 2 women meet in a coffee shop. Haven't decided whether it would be friendship or slash, but I thought it was freaky when I popped into here and saw posts suggesting...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    Here's a couple of places. or I think that LH would be intrigued by Catherine's former profession. I think she would consider it one of the reasons she knows herself so well, and is able to handle men who are used...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    Awwww, thanks fro the compliment :D hhunter. You made my day. :lol: I would think that Lady Heather would the tying up the 1st couple of times, since I imagine she has more experience in that sort of thing. :devil: But I'm certain that Catherine would catch on quickly, and turn the tables...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    I wrote one as well. It's called Bindings and if you want the link you need to pm me as it's slightly over pg-13.
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    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    I agree with everyone here, Marg is a very beautiful and sexy woman, and the wrinkles only add character her face. Personally I think she's better looking now than she was when she younger. I think the maturity of age and experience has given her a glow that no young actress can duplicate, no...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    That's a good point, I could see them as being very comfortable with each other. Now, what do you think Gil's reaction would be?:guffaw: I could see him coming over Lady Heather's house one day knocking on the door, and having Catherine answer.
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    I don't think she'd be mad, but I could see Heather giving the same little speech to Catherine that she gave her daughter about not giving up her power. That's a real good question, and I think that LH would be the obvious choice as well. But I also think that given half a chance Catherine...
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    I agree, that would have been really annoying, not to mention cliche, if they had made them catty towards each other. :rolleyes: So, is anyone out there working on any stories? I keep trying but my muse doesn't seem to want to cooperate. :brickwall:
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    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    :beer: Hey everyone, I made it. So good to finally see a thread for Lady Heather and Catherine. :bolian: Two women who kick butt, take names, and look fabulous doing it. The ship name came from Halfbloodme over at livejournal. She's a very big LH/C shipper and has written numerous stories as...
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    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Re: Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV Does anyone when Kiss of Death (or what ever they're calling it this week) is going to on? My friend made this for me, and I thought I'd share with you guys. :D Have you seen me?