Recent content by TwiZtIdJuGGaLo

  1. T

    Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

    I think Ryan is more responsible than Greg. Greg goofs off alot more than Ryan does at work, he'll even goof off with Gil where I don't think Ryan would even try it with H. But he has made funny remarks to Trip and Calleigh. In Legal Ryan did say that he had been to that bar that the girl got...
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    Emily said that on ET about being in Hawaii most of the season. U might be able to find it on csi miami online to view.
  3. T

    Have the CSI:Miami writers lost the plot? **SPOILERS**

    some of the eps have been snoozers, but as long as Ryan/Jonathan is on it I'll keep watching it just to see him..
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    well last season Eric did have unprotected sex with that chic outside on the wall....and didn't even kno her could be him.
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    It way down in ratings.....CRAP not only has it been getting beat by CSI NY but even NCIS......WTF. The ratings are always up high and the only one that made it under 5 was "nailed" it was #3 that week. This past week it was #10. Can't they tell they are doing something wrong? I did read...
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    I'm not liking this at all.....It's going totally to the soaps. The writers must be spending too much time at home themself watching soaps thinking that we want this in our show....... I'm with the chant........... *chants* WE DON'T WANT BABIES. WE'D RATHER HAVE RABIES!!
  7. T

    Episode #412 'The Score' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Oh no Valera is on this EP and on tv I read that........SPOILER H tries to keep Marisols drug buying a secret from Stetler and keep her out of trouble but because a MOLE in the lab lets out the info she gets arrested.......hhhmmmmm and...
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    Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

    I had to go with Ryan......I just think he makes everything look HOTT....
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    Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

    They show him in the previews they show on CBS.COM....He looking down the hallway at something frowning. They make it look like he's jealous of Delko and Boa. They also show part with him having his lab coat on... I'm sure he'll be on the show some....hoping alot.....
  10. T

    Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

    He had a lil part at the begining with Sean Penn. He was his store worker. He in 4 scenes..I only watched it when I found out he was in it. It was a great movie and he made it so worth watching. So adorable in it. I love the way he says marlbaro "cigerettes" He said in an interview that Clint...
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    Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

    I voted for Jons is Boston all the way baby .He's from Rockland Mass. right near boston. If you see him in Mystic River his accent is really strong. That's how he got the part he said. I soooo love his voice.So sexy
  12. T

    Episode # 411 ' Payback ' ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

    Re: next episode: Payback ***SPOILERS INSIDE*** I just really don't like the idea of any of them getting together.... I don't want it to turn into a soap. I truly like the show for the crime solving, not love making crap. I don't watch soaps and I don't want to watch CSIM turn into one. H is...
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    Episode # 411 ' Payback ' ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

    Re: next episode: Payback ***SPOILERS INSIDE*** I don't think she's the mole. I don't think the mole will be a regular on the show. My vote is still Valera. Anyways this EP looks good and I'm hoping it turns out to be Eric and Boa..fingers crossed.
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    Episode # 411 ' Payback ' ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

    Re: next episode: Payback ***SPOILERS INSIDE*** that's what I think..I've have realized now that the previews are sooooooo misleading.. U think something is going to happen and bam nothing like it. Like we thought Calleigh was going to get shot in "recoil"... I thought more was going to happen...
  15. T

    who is the cutest?

    Ryan no doubt. Did anyone see the adorble sad look he gave Alexx last night after the doctor pulled the nail out of his eye. Even if you didn't think he was cute before, that had to melt your heart a lil bit.