Recent content by tootes

  1. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Ok.. as i totally fluffed last weeks epi & couldn't think of anything good to comment, this week i have a list. Haha 1. Ryan & Jesse's converation at the start was a bit odd.. I can't quite work out why. It kind of seemed like Ryan didn't trust what Jesse was saying, but it was only for 30...
  2. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    aha. I can never manage with Vegas ! I've heard a bit about the new season of Miami.. just not every episode. Doing better than last time :L Thanks (: ..never :O LUCKY ! Its sure to be incredibly embarrasing :\
  3. tootes

    Getting To Know Each Other

    1) Name: Katie (but Cakes to a few). 2) Birthday: January 29th. 3) Age: 15. 4) Favorite music genre: Indie & some rock. 5) Favorite Band/Singer: Snow Patrol, Florence, Paloma Faith or Biffy Clyro <3 6) Favorite Song: Sexy Chick (cover) - Paloma Faith 7) Favorite CD: Glee ! Haha...
  4. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Its really, really hot ..but cloudy in Peterborough :( ..meant to rain tomorrow though & i have sports day at the athletics track :\ Leggo my Jodieo ..Good luck with the 9 posts. aha (: Only an hour till Miami :D x
  5. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    They change when you post a certain amount of well, posts :rolleyes: ..not exactly sure how many it is until they change though. (:
  6. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Happy Miami Tuesday Everyone !! Can't wait for tonight's eip.. no idea what it's about as have been avoiding spoilers this season. Looking forward to it. (: x
  7. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Thank you Solitaire ! Glad to be back (: Forgot to say before.. who else thought that Horatio actually looked older throughout most of the epi ? I think it was the lack of sun glasses !! I have to admit, i love the idea of Eric finding them for him.. massive 'awww' moment !! <3
  8. tootes

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Hey everyone.. haven't been around here for awhile because i was drowning in coursework, but school's finnished for the summer so i thought i'd come and see if there was a miami thread this season (: Didn't love the first epi as much as i thought i would, but all csi is good csi <3 ;) & i think...
  9. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Happy 'Vegas Tuesday' Everyone :D !! Am determined to watch the whole of & comment on tonights epi as was asleep by the end of last weeks :lol::rolleyes: (: x
  10. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    ^^ I agree.. don't want Vegas to finnish !! :\ & Happy 'Vegas Tuesday' Everyone :D xx
  11. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Happy Vegas Tuesday Everyone :D x
  12. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Totally forogt i hadn't commented on last week's epi.. have to be quick as i have a tone of coursework, so i'll keep it short :\ Awwww !! Yay for Hodges & Wendy <3 Their kiss at the end made me all warm & giddy for the rest of the night :L ..I just hope their relationship carries on as they are...
  13. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Happy Vegas Tuesday Everyone :D x
  14. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Happy Vegas Tuesday Everyone !! :D x
  15. tootes

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Was slightly concerned that yesterdays episode was going to be another disasterous one tbh, but i actually thought it was a really good episode. Well, except for the repulsive 'panty sniffing' man who just gave me the creeps & the fact that i was watching it with my mum *cringe* !! ..was a touch...