Recent content by ThumpyG

  1. T

    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    *sneaks in for a quick post* Hi guys!!! No, I haven't died, just on a sabbatical, ok a long, long sabbatical. I did remember that the annual, well second year, LA trip is this week and unfortunately I am unable to go, I will blame it on a upcoming job interview in North Carolina, and an...
  2. T

    Did Danny Cheat? *416 Spoilers*

    Because I am a big loser and didn't watch last night, I missed the hot sex between Danny and Rikki :scream: But the question is if Danny cheated on Lindsay by sleeping with Rikki. I voted no, mostly of course from others posts here, but his relationship (or friends with benefits?) with Lindsay...
  3. T

    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    That wife beater shirt does look eerily familar on the man in the porn.:wtf: and he is the 'feminine' one? Hmm, if it looks like Carmine and smells (ewww) like Carmine then it is Carmine!:o Alright for the 'pornucopia' of DVDs and arm length toys. (cute):lol: I wonder if Carmine would sign...
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    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    Top, it was a joke, sorry that you didn't take it that way. The intent wasn't to offend you.
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    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    I have misplaced my Team Flack t-shirt. I wore it one or two times since the trip- but since fall hit and now the winter hell I am in, I can't find it to save my life. Too many clothes I guess :o and loved the 'Fern Dell' sign- classic. One would think that if you actually lived in the city...
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    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    I want to eventually move to NC- better weather than the crap here in the midwest. Lookaboomerang, If I can make it this year, you sleeping in like I am on the morning of the godforsaken 'hike'? ;) Although, elderly Chinese men and a chihuahua running past us was entertaining
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    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    Hike at Fryman Canyon? Are you f-ing serious? :lol: No way in HELL am I going 'hiking' again. ever. If I can make it, I will be sleeping peacefully in my bed on that morning.
  8. T

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    I love my address labels I get from various charities each year, my car insurance company also sends them out so I usually have an overabundance of them every year. It really sucked when I moved though. :( I did get three more cards a couple of days ago, Joy7 ( :lol: with the snow, which is...
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    :lol: Ah, feathers of fire and big bang star. :lol: Nothing like picturing our Flack and Danny in adult like underoos. Fay , as always, you never cease to amaze me with gay porn. Happy Holidays everyone! :D
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    *fans self* It is 23 degrees here, snow on the ground, with the threat looming for more, and I am sweating. Why, you ask? Because I got Fay's card today and apparently I was naughty this year, so...... yeah. :devil: Thanks Fay, at least my dreams will be a bit naughtier this evening! I...
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    I have received two more cards today, Poison Girl and Kimmychu :D Kimmy's card was the most interesting one yet, apparently she must know of my love of dark, old, naked men. and Kimmy, the 'girls' extend their hellos to you in Malaysia ;)
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Fay, it is about damn time you mailed the rest of your cards out! lol just kidding! The rest of mine just got mailed yesterday. hehe I hve received two more today, from Clytia and Kiwi Girl ! thank you all, and the cards are really pretty and festive!
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    I am glad that mine are starting to get to their destinations! I was also beginning to think that I messed up the addresses and had no clue who these cards were going to! :lol: I mailed my last batch today *whew* so that is done, those international ones may not get them by Christmas, but a...
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    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    :D I have finished writing out and addressing all of the cards now, and the last batch will hopefully go out on Monday or Tuesday. I had hoped to get them out today, but the snow is keeping me here unfortunately! :lol: I did get a few more in the mail, Nattybatty ,(sooo tiny!!!)...
  15. T

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Update: I just mailed out a boatload today- $20.00 for postage, (not real bad, seeing that all of the international ones, excluding Canada were the same price) and will be working on a batch this evening to take to the post office probably Sat morning if I get motivated to get there before they...