Recent content by T'Bonz

  1. T'Bonz

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    I know you're new here, but I strongly suggest you don't post insults to other posters, or your tenure here will be of short duration. Thanks.
  2. T'Bonz

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Reminder - if you're posting pictures - make sure that you have the permission of those in them (or their parents) first. Thanks.
  3. T'Bonz

    Holiday Names Changes

    Will begin on December 1st. Directions will be found in QSF.
  4. T'Bonz

    Halloween Name Changes

    It's that time again! First - put your regular username in your location field. Then head to this thread in QSF for further directions and to request your Halloween name.
  5. T'Bonz

    Bye Bye, Vegaslights

    Mods come and go, and sometimes, one will get to me more than others. Our Vegaslights, who has been here since he was a young lad, is finally being gobbled up by the evil entity that is Real Life. I lose more good mods that way. :/ Anyhow, thanks for all you did. It was a pleasure to watch you...
  6. T'Bonz

    Moderator Change

    Shipper Central: Incoming: sharp52092 Outgoing: ladyhunter A big thanks to ladyhunter for all of her hard work. You'll be missed. And a welcome to sharp52092 (oh, those numbers at the end will get me....) Head to the thread in QSF to comment, please.
  7. T'Bonz

    Deleted accounts

  8. T'Bonz

    Holiday Names!

    See the thread in QSF for info on how to get your holiday name. Enjoy!
  9. T'Bonz

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Leviathan's post on the matter was spot on. No one should give a damn if a fictional CHARACTER is insulted. I will grant that the sexism is the type of things that makes one roll one's eyes, but that is not against the rules. Much better IMO to give specific criticisms about actions the...
  10. T'Bonz

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    OOOokay. For the record, said poster threatened us with legal action after an altercation with another poster (who is allegedly from another board and they have issues over there.) I pretty much told the guy to leave his problems there and also told him what he could do with his legal threat...
  11. T'Bonz

    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Good for you, sport, but it's perfectly OK to say on this BBS that one doesn't like a character. If you don't like it, I'll be perfectly happy to remove you. I'm sick of the damned complaints I keep getting on your obsession with a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. :mad: Shut up about him already if you...
  12. T'Bonz

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 5

    I have a better idea. I'll get rid of you! Buh-bye. :) Anyone else stupid enough to admit to not following the rules? Or causing headaches for the mods and I? Quit the petty pissing matches, guys. If you don't like each other, avoid each other. And if you have squabbles at other boards, do...
  13. T'Bonz

    Mod Changes

    A few mod changes to announce: Shipper Central: Stepherweps departing. PraetorCorvinus arriving. Members' Lounge: blackflag arriving. General TV & Media: Destiny departing. shazza_018 changing forums from Members' Lounge. A warm welcome to the two brand-spanking new mods and a hearty thanks...
  14. T'Bonz

    Last Call for Holiday Names

    I'll be changing names through the 10th of December, and then that is it for this year's changes. I think that ten days is enough time to get in your requests and December is a very busy month for me. Plus - regular name changes are suspended for a month, until January 6.
  15. T'Bonz

    'CSI' Introduces A New Grissom

    Adzix, you're gone for a week for the "old troll" remark. If you're lucky, I'll remember to flip the switches when the time is done. Desertwind - I'm sick unto death of problems where you're concerned. Get your act together. When Adzix returns, if I have ANY problems, I will toss BOTH of you...