first of welcome Bella, you are going to like it here, believe me they make me feel SOO much better...
and i see exactly what you mean with out this SMacked family and SMacked fanfics i would be in a complete state of depression, until them two finally realize that they belong to each other...
this is going to be a short reply from me...
i have one question though... WHEN are we going to get an article of how GARY feels about him having a new love interest?
we had articles of how people felt about the Adam and Stella thing.
i have a feeling the writers are just doing it for the...
aww man i cant believe i missed the opening to the new thread *sigh* computer being gay and was out of town this weekend...
anyways when i heard about Mac's new love interest you all know how i felt, if you read my last post from the last thread... i just caught up to...
Damn thats the most depressing things i read way to start off my day skool better be helluv a good time...
oh yeah and i googled her... and come on STELLA is 10x prettier... :(
only thing im looking forward to in this "love INTEREST" didnt say anything about it working out now did they?? lol...
ROFL that was hilarious... heck even Peyton knew, but she was still to stupid to believe it... did i mention i never liked her much, but some of the best SMacked scenes came from that season
so right now my head is replaying the scene in season 5 finale before the shooting, the walk, the talk...
oh Lord i would die... intense scenes them not talkin to each other the whole day, team gets worried and by the end they are happy once again... and of course Stella would win MOST of the fights... like the one in Officer Blue, i love Rambo Stella with a gun hehe i just love Stella and Mac, Gary...
I'm gonna write a fanfic about my dream too... but i get what ur saying it is Mac so its understandable him getting confused it'll be adorable too... i would write more but i forgot what i was going to say... oh how i wanna see that in the show, him not wanting to show his feelings... but if he...
i had a SMacked dream last night... well kinda... its weird how i can remember SMacked dreams, but no other ones *shrugs* anyways
ok so... it was winter and the team was at a corner in NYC... Sid and Stella were the last ones there, and Stella brang coffee for Mac, she was gave him a hug and...
so true, they wouldnt dare change how they are now... idc about wat happened in any of the other seasons they totally show them together even if they aren't they should kno us SMacked fans by now anyways to not overkill Mac's relaxed and touchyness and he actually flirts with her more than...
OMGGGGG!!!!! i went shopping today and my mom with my dads credit card BOUGHT SEASONS 2-5!!!!!! OMMGGG Christmas is the time to be jolly falalalala lala la la :D SMacked is the best present filled with holly falalalala lala la la christmas day it'll be TIME to get my SMACKED...
YAY ive been smiling ever since i woke up this morning or should i say at noon XD
it has to happen if not TBTP is VERY VERY CRUEL and EVIL as who knows what
im just glad if... i mean when it happens that Mac initiated the kiss and hug and the hand touching
i swear if Mac and Stella ever hold hands and intertwine their fingers i would die right there... almost exciting as seeing there first kiss... which i hope we didnt miss and it's Mac doing it
and i've been thinking ever since i saw the promo for 6x11 i have this feeling its gonna be the end...
Hello long time lurker glad you made apost
and the first tidbit wasnt reading too much into it... it was what i was saying, but somehow i missed that talk while i was watching the episode...but maybe they are already a couple, and we don't kno this yet cuz Stella probably did tell Mac about...
that episode was great and the hand touching in thsi weeks episode was great, thats what we SMacked fans needed... just a little spark is what we needed and MAC yeah i was surprised, MAC ignitioning the hand touching
and as for the promo for the Chirstmas episode... i screamed and jumped...
OMG!! i was so happy at last nights episode, Stella touched Mac's shoulder in front of Langston... that was a major AWW and squee moment my mom thought i was crazy but she likes Mac and Stella, so its all good... she knows thats the main reason i watch the show... and its absolutely AWESOME...