Recent content by Stokes4Me

  1. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Second set of random hotness coming up: Random 7 Random 8 Random 9 Random 10:drool::drool::adore::adore: Random 11 Random 12
  2. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congratulations on winning speedy! Love the theme too! Here is some random yummyness :drool:: Random 1 Random 2 Random 3 Random 4 Random 5 Random 6
  3. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    First of all, you are welcome for the George/Nick pretends to be "bad cop" pic with DLA, really, it's DLA we should thank!:thumbsup: Secondly, I thank you so much for being patient in waiting for me to pick a winner. We're just about in through the door and I best send Nick off before he gets...
  4. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    And DLA just updated his profilepic on fb. Mean!
  5. Stokes4Me

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Speedy, have a wonderfully ! Party away!
  6. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Wow! I won Nick? Thanks a lot Jacquie! I never thought...thanks! I wake up with this handsome man knocking on my door wanting to be let in and wanting to have a bit of a rest from a long journey, can't say that I mind him laying down in bed...:devil:;) Before I announce the new theme I...
  7. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congrats on winning Jacquie! Yum, a short sleeved theme, I just got to play, although I can only manage one set :alienblush: Hoping I don't dupe too much :alienblush: here is my one and only: Short sleeve #1 Short sleeve #2 Short sleeve #3 Short sleeve #4 Short sleeve #5 Short sleeve #6
  8. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congrats on winning blackflag! I am currently away on holiday but can't stay away from The Ward :alienblush:...sad or wot? Posting a few b/w pics, however not enuff of 'em so don't count me in on the game:alienblush: B/W - he best get ready for this! B/W Black shirt/white ID Oh and before I...
  9. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Good gawd :drool:! And Good Luck NickyFan :)! Second set: Neck7 Neck8 Neck9 Neck10 Neck11 Neck12
  10. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congrats on winning blackflag! Ohhh, your theme choice is :drool::drool::drool::devil: First set: Neck1 Neck2 Neck3 Neck4 Neck5 Neck6
  11. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Holy Sh..:drool: Gorgeous! My second set: ProfileSeven ProfileEight ProfileNine ProfileTen ProfileEleven ProfileTwelve
  12. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congratulations on winning Raynn! Lovely theme too :drool: First set: ProfileOne ProfileTwo ProfileThree ProfileFour ProfileFive ProfileSix
  13. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Sorry to hear about you having a headache Jacquie, might it be the weather that is bringing them on perhaps? I am not quite rid of my migraine, mind you they usually last for 3 consecutive days... My second set has a bit of silly in it and maybe some dupes :alienblush: 7 8 9 10...
  14. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Congratulations on winning Smokey! I'm not sure I can do two sets though, but I'll do my best! 1 2 3 4 5 6
  15. Stokes4Me

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

    Managing to squeeeeze my second set in :), and hoping I'm not duping :alienblush:: Chocolate 7 Chocolate 8 Chocolate 9 Chocolate 10 Chocolate 11 Chocolate 12