Recent content by Smiliee

  1. Smiliee

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Mind. Blown. Wow. That was the best episode of Criminal Minds I have ever seen...and possibly one of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen. I can't believe how amazing the acting was--from all sides. Wow that was crazy. I never read any spoilers leading up to it--which is a completely new...
  2. Smiliee


    I would have to agree there. I love this show, but these past few episodes have been kind of out there--and not necessarily in a good way. They're not as interesting as they used to be. I'm hoping they'll bring in more about the Pattern and what not. That's what drew me to the show in the fist...
  3. Smiliee

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    I'm pretty sure I'm new might have posted once foever ago, but I can't remember. Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say hey. Last night's episode was kind of creepy. The whole digging out the eyes was weird. However, it probably wouldn't have been so weird if the UnSub didn't...
  4. Smiliee


    Hello??? So, no one has posted on here in I was just wondering if people are looking forward to the premiere (I am...) or have you decided to forgo season 2? There have been some pretty good spoilers going around. The premiere looks very interesting!
  5. Smiliee

    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    Oh man! I realized that I totally forgot a bare with me.... House/Cuddy--House Chase/Cameron--House Rigsby/Van Pelt --The Mentalist--I really don't know how I forgot that one!!
  6. Smiliee

    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    Man, it's so dang hard to narrow these down to a decently short Not in any specific order: Calleigh/Eric-CSI: Miami Danny/Lindsay- CSI: NY Barney/Robin- HIMYM Tony/Ziva- NCIS Jen/Gibbs- NCIS Harm/Mac- JAG Bones/Brennan- Bones Jack/Kate- Lost (my newest addiction) Sun/Jin- Lost...
  7. Smiliee

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Great question! I've been wondering the same thing myself. I've looked on and off but really haven't found much, or rather anything at all. I'm very very curious as to what will happen with the whole ending Hotch facing gunpoint deal. Part of me thinks that he will be fine (in the long run...
  8. Smiliee

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Okay, so I'm not the only one who thought that? As soon as I realized that the one brother was mentally challenged and accidentally hurt his brother I was like holy crap, this sounds familiar! LOL.... This, in my opinion, tied with Fringe to be the best season finale of the year. It was...
  9. Smiliee

    How I met your mother.

    I thought that was the perfect season ender. The writing was awesome! I have to admit, I am the hugest Barney/Robin fan, and that scene in the hospital was hilarious! When it came on I was eating watermelon and I had to pause midway through because I choked from laughing so hard. The whole...
  10. Smiliee

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I just saw the new Star Trek. I abso-freaking-lutely loved it! I had never seen any of the other movies or anything going into the theater, so I was wondering what I was getting myself into, but that movie was so awesome. Everything about it was fantastic. And young Kirk and Spock? Really hot...
  11. Smiliee

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    In the words of Zack Addy: That was anti-climactic. Does anyone know who did the narrating? My brother and I were debating between Sweets and Hodgins. Or was it someone completely different?
  12. Smiliee

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Have to admit it, I'm torn about the whole baby storyline. As funny as I think it would be, I don't really know if I want to see her with a baby (right now, anyway). Overall, I thought it was one of the funnier episodes. Stewie was hilarious. I never really watch Family Guy, but I actually kind...
  13. Smiliee

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Looking forward to Thursday!
  14. Smiliee

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    So, I'm really looking forward to the spin-off! It looks fantastic. The characters look pretty cool, and they also seem like they know each other pretty well, like they've worked together for a long while. That should be fun to watch. Okay, and Callen? HOT! DiNozzo and Ziva....this is going to...
  15. Smiliee

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    I really enjoyed this last episode. I honestly thought that Lancaster did it. And then once the team started to peg him I was like no, that's not right--and then I figured out that it was the boy. I have to admit, that kid creeped the heck out of me! Especially when he was telling Emily how he...