Recent content by Sillie

  1. S

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Whoo, happy birthday to Eric!! *throws confetti* :3
  2. S

    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! Read and understood. :3
  3. S

    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    Thanks Wojo. Great caps. :3
  4. S

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    He looks like he's about to barf. Emotionless my a..uh, behind. :'3 He's not all out emotional, he shows it with body language and with his eyes. You have to look carefully to catch it, so that's why many people didn't see it.
  5. S

    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    For people who are curious to Greg's bio in the CSI:Companion.... :3
  6. S

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Heh, same here. He doesn't look familiar at all, and I really don't have a clue who the hell he is. XD Ah well, we'll see. :'3 Although I really don't think they need a 'special guest star'. Hmm..
  7. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Aww, poor baby... *huggles Greggo* Thanks Wojo. :3
  8. S

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    I'm just going to say that I agree with Serenity. And their relationship is totally based on more than sex. I actually have more to say, but my left hand hurts and I have to type with one hand so I'll leave it at this. Ow.
  9. S

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    That was me, and I still disagree that Greg has been written straight. Warrick, sure. Grissom, definitely. Nick, well there's the whole hooker thing. Greg? Not so much. I've got strong suspicions Gregs Bi. But that's probably something we'll never agree on, so I think we better let it go.
  10. S

    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 ...and we've got the KRO guide, and it also lists CSI for monday. :'3 *can't wait to see Rashomama again*
  11. S

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Urgh, please no. Greg and Sara where already close. And to see a good friend injured like that... Anyway, like I said, Sara and Greg totally have the brother/sister vibe going on. I definitely don't want to see Sara and Greg get together. And Sara's been so hung up on Grissom for such a long...
  12. S

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I wonder why people get so diffensive when someone suggests a character could be gay/ bi. Appart from the fact that it'll probably never happen, 'cause CBS is to chickenshit to go that way... *is sad* Anyway, some might disagree with me, but I think Greg has been over his crush on Sara for a...
  13. S

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Well, I've been nosing around a bit, and most sites list Greg's birthdate as May 5th, 1975, which makes him 31. And although I'm 24 at the moment, I don't think I'd ever stop worrying about my mother. Greg's such a sweet guy, I can totally see him worrying about that. The fact that he didn't...
  14. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! I want to repeat my earlier statement. Ow. *cries for Greggo* Thanks Wojo.
  15. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! *stares at picture* Uh, ow. I haven't seen the episode yet, but ow, ow, ow, that hurts. I think I actually felt my stomach drop when I first saw that picture. *huggles Greggo* Thanks Debje.