Hey guys. I haven't been on here in a long time. But I came back to say how excited I was about this episode. I had forgotten about CSI lately and i asked my roommate last night if Sara was in the episode and she said that it was all about Sara, so of course I had to watch it. This was the best...
Hi you guys. I know that I haven't been on in almost a year. But I am so excited that I just had to come talk to other people that understand. Grissom and Sara are married. That makes me so happy. I cannot wait until next week and I hope that Grissom comes back and gets to do an episode with...
Hey you guys I'm so excited. I don't think we have much to worry about. He's already told LH no, in the past. He is madly in love with Sara and she's coming back for a little while. I think the future looks bright. I would say what could possibly go wrong, but I'm not going to because then...
Hey you guys the first Twilight movie is coming out pretty soon and I think it is going to be a success. I am a little disappointed that Harry Potter moved its date back and Twilight took over. i wanted to see the two movies clash. That would have been pretty cool to see whcih one would win...
Hey you guys I am back and GSR happy and excited. You guys she is in the first episode. You guys don't know how much that means to me. They have a big GSR moment there that no ship can turn down. They are definately an offical couple. So it is said that it comes out OCt 9, can't it be cany...
Hey you guys, i am really sorry for not coming on here. I am just so busy with my AP classes and homework. I am going to come on here at least once a week. Hopefully more. I feel so bad right now because i am in my physics class right now. but don't worry, we have free time right now. I am so...
Okay I have a question, do you guys still have that picture of George Eads and Jorja Fox underneath the welcome to fabulous Las Vegas Nevada sign. I was pretty sure I saw it on one of these threads a couple of years ago. I was recently trying to find that pic and I coudn't find it anywhere.
Aww desert, you can say practically anything you want over here because no other ship comes on here, without starting a fight. I love that photo by the way. All right you guys, i am turning in for the night. i will see you all in 2 weeks.
Long Live GSR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hey, why don't you guys like lindsay? I think she is awesome. I am not trying to invade your thread. I am just literally curious. I have not seen many episodes of CSI NY but from what I have seen, I love Lindsay. Please, don't be offended by my asking this question.
I was just stating that if the writers don't make it happen, then at the moment it is in the fan's opinion, I consider it to be fanfiction. And you are right, Grissom and Sara could break up at any moment and they could get back together again, anything is possible, however it is not up to us to...
I don't understand why everyone can't get along. We each have our own opinion and if I'm not mistaken this the great ship debate thread. People read too much into the episodes. We need to accept what the writer's say. If people think that two people are together because they like those two...