Recent content by Sidle_my_Idol

  1. S

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Sorry for the trouble, 1CSIMfan, but it was urgent. I was ready to sacrifice my warning-less image of three years for that one post(well, in multiple threads). : ) You can cancel my account if you need to. Just so you know, I love Sandle too. There's sth about them.
  2. S

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Spamming? Guys, that was the only post I was gonna leave. It's an urgent issue. Sorry, but I won't apologize for it. So, that's that. Ok, to make up for it though, I'd like to say that the scene where Nick found Sara was one of my...
  3. S

    Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

    Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3 Yup. And you know it. It's sucks that you find it annoying, but that was the only post I was gonna leave. Just to let the lurkers know. You know, since you are a Greg/Eric fan, and I love that dude too, I'd be doing the exact same thing if CBS was...
  4. S

    Sara/Jorja Leaving..... *May contain Spoilers*

    Re: Sara *May contain spoilers* Damn, I'm getting warnings(that's the first time in almost three years), but hey this is the last thing I'm gonna do. I joined fansites for the first time and probably the only time in my life because of Sara Sidle(It was a freaking big deal for everyone who...
  5. S

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Save our Sara. It's not about Ships anymore. We cannot lose Sara Sidle. Any hope of Sandle, Snickers, Swarrick, Sara/Sofia, Sara/Cath...will all never happen. We will never get to see new glimpse of Sara with her co-workers, with labrats, with anyone. We will lose her forever. Pls we gotta do...
  6. S

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Yes !! It's not about Ships anymore. We cannot lose Sara Sidle. Any hope of Sandle, Snickers, Swarrick, Sara/Sofia, Sara/Cath...will all never happen. We will never get to see new glimpse of Sara with her co-workers, with labrats...
  7. S

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense, flyover, flowers...anything), write letters..... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is...
  8. S

    Hottest CSI

    Hey guys, ~edited by mod to remove spoiler content~ pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. ~edited by mod to remove spoiler content~ We are running out of...
  9. S

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We...
  10. S

    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is...
  11. S

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We...
  12. S

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any...
  13. S

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We...
  14. S

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We...
  15. S

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Hey guys, anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We...