Recent content by ShuriyuCSI

  1. S

    Hockey Fans

    Go Canucks! It's funny how many of my friends are now laughing at me. My first choice team was the Flames, and now it's the Canucks because they're the only other Canadian team I'll really root for in the playoffs.. Just hope they win against the Ducks. Sorry Ducky, but Canucks shamed the...
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    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 4 - Glass ... Just about all the tables in my house are made of glass and half a billion other things... Wonder what I can think up.. :lol:
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    What Kind Of Cheese Are You?

    I'm chevres cheese...
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    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 1 - Tranquility Can you believe mine (#5) was taken moving in a van, with tinted windows, at 80km/h? :lol: I really liked yours, Bev!
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    Eddie Cahill Birthday

    Bon fête a toi, Eddie! Have a good one!
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    Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

    *puts up a hand* Also too, Hill Harper and Eddie Cahill will be in the movie too. Hill is one of the producers of the movie. o.o.... >.> *sneaks back into lurking*
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    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: Anyone interested in an LPS? Thanks for alerting me, Wibbs! Count me in! :D
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    ~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

    Re: Canadian Thread #4 Going from memory here.. PNE: Pacific National Exhibition GVRD: Greater Vancouver Regional District. VPD: Vancouver Police Department? RAV:...? YVR: Vancouver Airport. How well did I do? :lol:
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    Conquences: The Trial

    Mike sighed, gathering up the papers he had spread across the desk in front of him and storing them back in their proper binder, extremely organized. He turned to look at his 'clients' behind him and asked for their attention for a moment. "If it's at all possible, I'd like to restrict contact...
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    Conquences: The Trial

    Mike nodded at Miss Kobeski's answer, looking up to the judge. "No further questions, your honour," he said, returning to his seat. He'd taken a glance at the opposing counsel and Eric, noting that he was beginning to be uneased. Surely that didn't make him nervous.. did it? he wondered...
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    Conquences: The Trial

    "As I've been told by the defense, those others to have seen him were the door man, correct?" Mike questioned further. He was really itching to call up one of his witnesses and bring in the evidence he had, but that would have to wait. "Can you account for what time that was?"
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    Conquences: The Trial

    Mike stood up and looked at the papers before him before he moved over towards the witness stand. "Ms. Kobeski,You know that under the oath and in a court of law, lying is concidered a misdemeanor and you can be fined or imprisoned, do you not?" he questioned. "Is there anything you'd like to...
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    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    I have the picture without the text floating around in my photobucket.. Here! ^_^
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    Conquences: The Trial

    (Gah~ >.O Why'd the trial have to start in the MORNING of New Years? I only woke up an hour and a half ago.. And it would help if SOMEONE WOULD GIVE ME A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREVIOUS RP!! x___X) The District Attourney, Michael Warsh, looked back at Calleigh, making a motion for her to...
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    Conquences: The Trial

    (Time to bring in the Lawyer element, hmm?) Michael Warsh, the District and State Attourney of New York was a 6'1" tall man, mid-forties, with brown hair. He was cleanshaven, wore nice suits and usually a pair of sunglasses when he was out and about. When this case was first handed to him, he...