Recent content by Shehir

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    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    They've had a lot of press this summer... Eddie Joining, is Eddie replacing Adam? Delko Leaving, Delko Dead... Perfect press for the premiere!
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    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Some wallpapers from Let The Game Begin
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    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Thought I would personally advertise this here for those that haven't seen it. For all fans that live in the US/Canada you can now receive a 5% DVD discount when you pre-order Let The Game Begin from this link: Click the pre-order DVD link and a pop up window will...
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    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Official Facebook page for Adam's movie Love & Debate. Please "Become a Fan" and spread the word! You'll find photos, stills and the trailer for the film. More updates to be added to the page very soon. PS: Adam news/photos on the yahoo group in the next couple of days.
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    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    No, it's not out on DVD. It's a short movie (roughly 10 minutes) and Adam and Nicholas play the bartenders. Adam's only featured in it for probably 30 seconds, lol. This film also has a CSI Miami connection, Matthew Del Negro (the main lead and writer/director of Christmas Break) also starred...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Yep. The film is now in post-production
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Filming for the Tyler Perry movie finished in April.
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    New pics of Adam in Monte Carlo... lots more can be found on his official fan group!
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Fans in LA/San Diego have the chance to see Adam in person this Friday at the Newport Beach Film Festival. He will be taking part in the Q&A session for his movie "Take" at the Fashion Island Mall in Newport Beach. The movie will be showing on Friday at 7.45pm (which Adam will also be...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Some Adam news for you. For anyone that is interested in seeing his movies, you’ll have a lot of chances this year. Bohica (an army flick) is screening Tuesday, April 15th at the Atlanta Film Festival at 4:15 pm. And then again in Houston, Friday, April 18th at the Worldfest International Film...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Not sure what MySpace you're talking about, but on Adam's official page he doesn't have that photo. Be careful because there are a lot of posers out there pretending to be Adam. His actual MySpace page is... (and there's only one)...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Just have these last few from Sacoor. Can't believe you guys haven't seen them before, lol.
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past More from the Sacoor series...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past That is Khandi. Two years ago she and Adam posed for fashion lable Sacoor Brothers in Portugal. A catalogue was out too! Now Jon and Eva are doing the campaign.
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past