Recent content by sharp52092

  1. sharp52092

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    *sighs* I can't believe it's been a year.
  2. sharp52092

    CSI: Cyber cancelled

    Elementary and H5O probably get more episodes because they're younger and cheaper to produce. CM probably gets less because it's older and more expensive.
  3. sharp52092

    What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

    One of the biggest would be focusing more on cases/forensics instead of so much on CSIs in danger. Specifically in the later seasons. I wish Grissom appeared here and there in season 10 until the end. It didn't have to be all the time, but just a few times a season. Also couldn't he have just...
  4. sharp52092

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    I don't about Ecklie/Catherine. Now Ecklie did seem to like Catherine, though was an attraction? I'm not sure. Anyway, yeah, I wish Catherine could have ended up with someone and she had that chance with Vartann when he offered her to move in with her, but turned him down. She seemed burned from...
  5. sharp52092

    George Eads

    He's filed for divorce, yes, but just a reminder, we're not supposed to delve too deeply into the actors' personal lives. So tread carefully.
  6. sharp52092

    It's really over

    Judging by the date of that article, I'm guessing the Writer's Strike later that year halted any London spinoff. Also WP left CSI the following year. Also IIRC, there was talk of William Petersen going to London for a CSI ep clear back in 2004 and 05. Possibly a pilot for a spinoff, I think...
  7. sharp52092

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    I just had to recheck the rules, it's been awhile... :oops: Anyway I believe it's fine.
  8. sharp52092

    8 Real Cases That Made It Onto “CSI”

    Thanks! Also the episode, Go To Hell is loosely based on a real case. In Canada, a girl got her boyfriend to help kill her family.
  9. sharp52092

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    I know what you mean about reacquainting with an old friend. I became obsessed with the show in early 2007, but the last few years my interest began to wane. However, when the cancellation and finale was announced, I slowly started getting back in, also I think was and still am in mourning. I...
  10. sharp52092

    It's really over

    Yeah, hibernation is a good word for it. For example, while it's a different network, Fox has also been bringing back a lot of it's shows like 24 and now X-Files and Prison Break. And considering that the networks aren't doing too hot right now, it's only a matter of time. I give it 10 years max.
  11. sharp52092

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    Been rewatching the show, I almost have season one done. I just have Evaluation Day and The Strip Strangler left. Anyway, I've enjoyed rewatching everything from the beginning including GSR. Though it's very brief, this is one of my favorite moments, from Gentle Gentle. Anyone else rewatching?
  12. sharp52092


    I'd totally be on board for that! :)
  13. sharp52092

    Was "Immortality" a satisfying series finale?

    Hank was portrayed by William Petersen's real life dog, Bruno, and I think he passed away a few years ago.
  14. sharp52092


    I wouldn't mind doing a next generation one day with Lindsey Willow, perhaps Warrick's son, Eli, and any cast members who'd like to return.