May be Wiiiam Petersen wanted it this way to stop him being pestered to go back. They didn't kill him off , he is still out there but now there will not be constant expectation to see Grissom. For me they could have left it as it was, prhaps tn many viewers did not like their marriage arrangement.
I agree with Monketsharona, I love that Jorja is back on CSI. Sara is awesome . Jorja wants to be on CSI the writers want to write for her and her fans want to see her.
I read all the articles and they do not indicate to me a connection between Riley leaving and Sara. Sara was not on CSI when Riley was so she is not the reason they did not develop Riley's character.
DESERTWIND what was all over the news? I do not belive Jorja/Sara was the reason for Riley and Wendy leaving I did not see anyone from CSI suggest it was. As I said even with Sara they badly need more female presence on the show .