Recent content by seabird

  1. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Just bumping this thread about the second best ship -according to a poll- in CSI.:bolian:
  2. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Thanks for the caps, Dizzney. Yes, at least Nick and Greg were next to each other in those scenes. I agree that "Coup de Grace" was not as good for The Love fans like other previous episodes, especially "Family Affair". In this episode, the warm final scene between them (after their little...
  3. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Uff...I have a lot to catch up on! They do. ;) Egeria, I agree with you; they're almost brushing arms as they walked and the boys look really hot in those short sleeves, don't they? Thanks for those screencaps, Blackflag! :thumbsup: Clarrisani , it's great to see you back in The Fort...
  4. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Those caps are great, Wojo! Thanks for sharing. That's what I meant when I said this was a cool scene; we're seeing what Nick is seeing ....And that look on Greg's face knowing that Nick is watching him through the peep hole...well, that look says a lot of things ;) I can easily imagine...
  5. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Welcome back, everyone¡ :thumbsup: You can post your Nick/Greg fics on this site: Subtext is Everything It was nice to see Nick and Greg working together. I missed that. Very interesting indeed . Nick was watching the object of his desire ;)...
  6. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Loved the premiere for all the reasons you've mentioned, Wojo. The final Nick/Greg with the spider was awesome, they were adorkable together and seeing their interaction it was like having again the Nick/Greg moments from season 1-4. The good ol' times. ;) The smile on his face, the way Nick...
  7. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Welcome back, guys! I liked their little quarrel at the begining because that just made even better the Nick/Greg scene with the spider. It seems that the boys resolved their differences very quickly....;) In the locker room, perhaps? Oh, the possibilities.......:devil: Thank you so much...
  8. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Wow, great pics Wojo! Our boys are really HOT, aren't they? :drool: Regarding LoneWolfe's questions: I agree with love_fan about Riley; IMO, I don't think that Nick misses Riley much, I always had the feeling he didn't like Riley very much. Perhaps, because she spent a lot of time working...
  9. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    YES, WE CAN! :lol: And maybe someday, we will 'win' too :lol:. What I mean is that there are so many women (and men too) out there who LOVE and write slash and Nick/Greg is one of the ships with a larger following and that's something that TPTB shouldn't ignore anymore. Back to the spoilers...
  10. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Just found this on the spoiler thread and I think it hasn't been discussed here yet. This could be bad news for our ship, guys, and I'd like to know your opinion about it:
  11. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Yeah, many people think that Greg's character has been overlooked for years :( but I really hope that things change this season. Dustin Lee Abraham has just posted this on his Twitter: "Szmanda's kickin' azz so far this season" :thumbsup::devil: And here's a spoiler about Greg from...
  12. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    X_The_Love_X: definitely, THE LOVE is in the air :D Welcome to all the newbies. I guess I'm not the only one here who really hopes that in next season, TPTB will give us more Nick/Greg , more interaction between them just like these scenes that the boys used to have in earlier seasons. Back...
  13. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    *has to re-read twiz4togo's fic "In The Office"* :devil: Speaking of fics, I've found a link with tons of Nick/Greg stories. Some good reading for the summer: I just come from the spoiler pic thread and.....great news! :)
  14. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I couldn't agree with you more, Wojo. I wish they had showed Nick crying to Greg in "Turn Turn Turn", not just because I'm a Nick/Greg shipper but because Nick and Greg have been friends (and more than friends ;)) since forever and it would have just felt 'right'. One more Love scene I wish...
  15. seabird

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Snagged them, happyharper! Thanks for making those icons, I love how is Greg looking at Nick in the last one. That scene from "Scooba Doobie Doo" was great for The Love. Three Love moments I wish had happened? Only three? :lol: 1. I agree with everyone else, I wish they had showed some scene...