I just wanted to Pop in and let you all know I'm not dead I'm still alive, I'm just not AS into CSI anymore , POTC and the whole Jack and Elizabeth thing has taken over my world but I'll drop in from time to time to say Hi (and if any of you still have my SNs feel free to contact me through that)
See for Me I liked Dead mans Chest better I THINK its mainly because I CAN NOT stand Will so I didnt like Elizabeth with him and well what Happened between Elizabeth and Jack in Dead Mans Chest pleased me greatly
But alas thats besides the point
I have two, One being "Practical Magic" dont get me wrong i'm not into Wicca nor am I a witch myself but theres just something about that movie that I love (plus both Nicole Kidman and Sandra bullock are my favorite actresses well atleast two of them)
My Other favorite is Pirates of the...
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the B
Why Thank you Heather *bows*
First of all I should say hi *waves* I"m a friend of Heathers she told me to pop in
Second of all I never really saw this ship till You pointed it out but I can see where there could be one
and yes I...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In
I'm not much into CSI anymore *sighs* but my Friend Heather is in here and told me to drop a line and say Hi so *waves* Hi guys ,Yes I'm still alive and around (though i've changed all of my Messenger names so if you talked to me on those...
*Laughs* that could describe Oregon to Perhaps that IS the secret to it all
anyways Back on topic I dont really have any Jorja pics on this new laptop but I do enjoy seeing all of yours
hmmm maybe the fact that she's half Belgian is the key to her looking young I also have Dutch in me (not that Belgian and Dutch are the same thing but its similiar) who knows but it would be nice to know her beauty secret
cocoa GREAT pics Love
well for me I love Nick and Sara from Vegas,I dont watch Miami at all and from NY its gotta be Danny and Lindsey (also my two favorite ships but thats beside the point)
I dont know if this helps your question any but seeing as I'm told I look alot like her i'd just tell ya MY secret *smirks* Its not really a secret so much as the fact that I'm asian Us Asians never really age (nor do we ever get fat) as for Jorja *shrugs* I dont know but I DO know there is alot...
ooh Good question :)
lets see CSI LV Marry: probably Nicky,he seems like the type to totally commit and he's sweet and romantic (plus he's a texan total added bonus),Spend the night with: Greg ,He's very handsome but I wouldnt say he's my type he's more or less One night stand material for me...