Sorry ya'll I thought that it was common knowledge
My bad. I haven't been to the new board yet since they changed everything. I've got it now.
Anyway, WOO! Anyone ready for the new season already?
I totally am. :thumbsup:
Wow you guys. I haven't been on here forever and it sucks it's times like this that brings people together.
I...Jesus LORD. I sobbed like a baby. In my mother's lap. I sobbed for ten minutes. I don't know if I sobbed because she was leaving or that letter she left him...
I can't...
Re: Grissom & Sara #31 :TBA
Herz! SQUEE! ::hugs::
Is it horribly bad to say that I've seen THE SCENE so many times it's permanently burned into my brain and I grin like a school girl with a crush everytime I think about it? Heh.
And yes, we DO have the best ship ever. They are so geeky, and...
HUrayyyyy for GSR!
Huraaaaaayyyy for being drunk!
HUraaaaaaaayyyy for FREKAING CBS for screwing this up!
Yeah. I'm toAsted!
JORJA FOX ROCKS MY SOCKS! (Heh. I rhymed! Woooo!)
GSR is gongi to end the way I want it to or CBS os going to get my tv for a present!
I'm so blowed by this. I serously want to go cry in a corner.
I love JF and I love everything she stands for. Yes, when I first read it, being angry was my initial reaction. I think I'm more angry about the situation, than anyone really. I hate the fact they treated her like that...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
::drops in::
Hey guys! ::waves::
So...I've been away for a while but LET ME TELL YOU.
Okay. Now that THAT's OVER. was wonderful. Nuff' said. Takes the spot of my most favoritist(Is that a word?) Episode EVER.
Hey all! As some of you may have heard. Aussiello over at TV Guide posted an interview with Jorja that says she's leaving in Episode Seven. There is a campaign going on right now to support her stay on the show. I made a video to help this campaign! I hope you enjoy it! And get your letters in...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Well, now that the air has cleared a little and I am thinking correctly, here are my thoughts on Dead Doll
This episode was PHENOMINAL.
I really can't say enough about it.
Everything about it was great.
Here are my main points...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Thank goodness I made it through today! Now all I have to do is make it until the end of DD tomorrow night and the rest of the season will be a breeze.
And my boss was RIDICULOUS today. I wanted to hit him in his face! He was like...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
I'm with saraXsullivan.
As long as she lives, I'm cool. Everything else can develop during the season, but, if she lives, we SERIOUSLY need a kiss like, in Eppy 2 to forget about all the angst. :D
Freaking GSR rocks everything in da...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Uhhh...YEAH. I find myself grinning like an idiot because I now realize it's only FOUR. MORE. DAYS. :eek:
SQUEE!!!!! ANd I am finding hard to sleep now because it's SO CLOSE.
And you want to hear something else? This morning I...