Recent content by Sammy11

  1. S

    Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

    Don't say things like that Top... please... I can't take it. I'd laugh yes, but then be totally peeved about it. Unless it isn't Danny's... She has met someone new or something. But then I'm not sure (if it were me) I'd want another child so soon. I know a woman who lost her baby in very...
  2. S

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    That whole scene made me cringe... Like WHY?!?!?! I have to say, had Adam said it I would have found it totally adorable (AJ would have just sold it for me), but she isn't geeky enough to to make it work for her character. She wasn't being funny or outrageously obnoxious to make someone...
  3. S

    Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

    That is something I hadn't even thought of. Surely if Danny and Lindsey had been close (close enuogh to have been considered dating) then surely at some point Rikki would have seen Lindsey in the hallway with Danny...? Rueben would have mentioned Danny having a girlfriend? ANyway I am getting...
  4. S

    Hollywood Strike, The Sequel?

    Whilst I think everyone should be paid fairly and all that jazz, selfishly hope they don't strike. Most (if not all) of my favourite programmes suffered from the last one, hastily finished storylines, or dropped plots seemed to be the order of the day. Although I have to say CSI:NY did get...
  5. S

    Danny & Rikki - But This Is My Shirt

    I'm supposed to be doing college work at the moment - shame on me! Although I wouldn't say I ship these two I do love their chemistry, and with the news that Rikki is coming back I can't wait to see in what capacity they'll use JP. The characters worked so well together and for me they...
  6. S

    Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

    Re: Bring Rikki Back! See I saw the "bump" being Danny's grieving process, whilst we all know that he slept with Rikki, Lindsey doesn't (well not in canon anyway) so the bump can't be Danny/Rikki for me. It may be Lindsey's percieved slight at Danny pushing her away and not turning too...
  7. S

    Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

    Re: Bring Rikki Back! I can see where you are both coming from, I can see how they are indirectly linked and I can see why people feel they are and JP's return could signal more drama for that, but for me they were two different storylines featuring the same character dealing with life, and...
  8. S

    Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

    Re: Bring Rikki Back! Wow you go away for a few weeks and lookie what happens. I'm personally thrilled at JP's return, as a non CSI character Rikki managed to be complex, sympathetic and believable. The actress herself managed to produce a performance that some regular cast members would have...
  9. S

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    First of all Fay, :guffaw: Now onto the point, rather that just reiterate what you have all laid out above I think that is one of the main problems I have with Lindsey. She is treated differently. I think with the exception of Sid (Maka and Angell) all of the team have at one point or...
  10. S

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    Give you girls an inch... :rolleyes: In fact scrap that, give Danny an inch (or nine!) and he'll certainly take it to the next level. Sorry I haven't been on here more... I just don't think at the moment I can add anything (and now with the season ending...). But I will make a point of my...
  11. S

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :guffaw: Danny looks hilarious... Is it me or does Flack look like he is trying not to laugh? Maybe it's the angle? It looks like Flack is looking at Danny with indulgent amusement on his face. Sort of "There he goes getting all worked up and over dramatic again." :rolleyes...
  12. S

    Least Favorite Episode of Season Four?

    Agreed. It was my least favourite. For me they explored the wrong part of the crime and killer. It focused on the time machine and whilst the geekyness of Hawkes was perfectly wonderful, sorry but i'm a sceptic, I would have prefered them to focus on the loony tune who built the frigging...
  13. S

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    HAHA! no, I meant that they were trying to please everyone in regards to D/L getting them together, not getting them together. I'm pretty sure they didn't see Danny sleeping with Rikki as a positive thing for him (although I think it was a cracking storyline myself, as in the whole arc, not...
  14. S

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    I think there is definitely friction there, Flack never looks directly at her, or it is at least shot that way?... TPTB never really have him answer her directly it's wierd their interaction. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I just think it's off. I can't put my finger on it. Sometimes I get the...
  15. S

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Honestly? I have abso-effing-lutely no idea whatsoever. I agree that I think in some way they hoped to make her more sympathetic to the audience. I think they tried it last season with the big, bad secret, they thought that we would feel sorry for her that she had suffered this awful...