Recent content by Rona

  1. R

    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st for wednesday Grissom 16 Catherine 15 Nick 25 Warrick 8 Sara 3 (+) Greg 13 Calleigh 7 Eric 10 Ryan 19 Mac 5 (-) Stella 11 Danny 18 Hawkes 10
  2. R

    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd for tuesday Grissom 14 Catherine 12 Nick 24 Warrick 10 Sara 10 (+) Greg 10 Horatio 1 Calleigh 10 Eric 11 Ryan 14 Mac 8 (-) Stella 12 Danny 13 Hawkes 10
  3. R

    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st for tuesday Grissom 11 Catherine 12 Nick 24 Warrick 10 Sara 9 (+) Greg 11 Horatio 6 (-) Calleiigh 10 Eric 11 Ryan 14 Mac 9 Stella 11 Danny 12 Hawkes 10
  4. R

    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd for monday Grissom 11 Catherine 12 Nick 20 Warrick 10 Sara 7 (+) Greg 11 Horatio 7 Calleigh 10 Eric 11 Ryan 13 Natalia 5(-) Mac 9 Stella 11 Danny 11 Hawkes 10 Lindsay 2
  5. R

    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st vote monday Grissom 11 Catherine 12 Nick 18 Warrick 10 Sara 6(+) Greg 11 Horatio 7 Calleigh 10 Eric 11 Ryan 14 Natalia 6 Mac 9 (-) Stella 11 Danny 10 Hawkes 10 Lindsay 4
  6. R

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    I forgot all about that I'll go an find out how to do it thanks.
  7. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Thanks for the lovely pics I'V never seen them before
  8. R

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    Re: Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5 *DELETED* Post deleted by Rona
  9. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Thanks for the lovely pics it's nice of you to post them
  10. R

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    We just have to try and think positive happy thoughts.
  11. R

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    I've been having weird CSI dreams as well, which is really unusual for me.
  12. R

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Sara is not going to die. That as pretty much been confirmed, Jerry Bruckhimers head of entertainment Jonathan Littman who oversees all the CSI show's said to a host of reporters at the CBS press tour " we are going to let the characters of Grissom and Sara BREATH this year".
  13. R

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    yeah No Humans Involved was very sad that part at the end when the boys mother is comeing and Brass ask Sara who he should take her to first Sara says " go with the living Jim the dead can wait"
  14. R

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    yes I like that episode as well Jorja was excelent she was so compassionate and Dakota was brilliant as Brenda
  15. R

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    I've just been watching "No Humans Involved" I think that's one of my favorite episodes that and "To Tough to Die" is another one.