Recent content by Redsiren

  1. Redsiren

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Not in HD, but.... Here's the link to pictures from Game 4. I have to say, it gave me some good laughs to see who was sitting in front of him and next to him. :lol: The pictures start from this link.
  2. Redsiren

    Flack #9: An Officer and a Gentleman

    Anyone else love the fact that he got a haircut mid-episode? Made his entrance wearing the suit all the more purdy. :lol: Why exactly was he was so casual in the beginning? Not that I mind or anything :P. I just figured that if Don dresses down, he usually has a reason...
  3. Redsiren

    Grade 'The Box'

    I was gonna post up my live review, but I don't have time to edit it right now, so instead, I'm gonna go by the 'If you have nothing nice to say...' school of thought and just say the following. Carmine is an AMAZING actor. This episode showed it to a T. Don's new nickname officially needs...
  4. Redsiren

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    I think even Felicity's getting a kick out of the aerodynamics he's got going on there. :lol:
  5. Redsiren

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    So last night I was bored and surfing the net while trying to ignore my cold (I hate winter. :( ). I was actually looking for Photoshop textures, but I came across a little site with a ton of screencaps. Well wouldn't ya know it, I found these gems among them:
  6. Redsiren

    Grade 'Dead Inside'

    My real-time review (aka typed as I was watching the show): And hottest entry to date goes to....Danny. Bravo, sir. Someone get Emmanuelle a hair appointment STAT. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Adam for the win with the carrot bowl!!!!! *dies laughing* Sam, yer brother's gonna smack the crap outta ya...
  7. Redsiren

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Think O'Sullivan could've put his teeth in before snappin' off a few with Eddie? :lol: And, dude....Eddie's such a fanboy. :lol: In all seriousness though, thank you for the pics, they're awesome. I have to agree with you; I'm uber jealous of his seats, though after what happened a few...
  8. Redsiren

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple Wow, never have the two promos (Canadian vs American) been so different. We didn't even get Adam in ours. Just Mac advising Flack to kill someone who screwed with his sister....Okay, so not advising; just saying something along the...
  9. Redsiren

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    WOW!!!. That picture from The Narrows? A-mazing!! Makes me want to ask the writers of CSI:NY to show Flack out of his suit and in more casual fair, more often!! :drool:
  10. Redsiren

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    I swear to you guys, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw these was the following: Either they've started shopping together or they got together in the hotel beforehand to coordinate their outfits. :P Eddie's smile could most DEFINATELY light up the city for a while, Kimmy...
  11. Redsiren

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    I don't remember who said it on my journal, but there's a lot to be said about pitching and catching in this picture, no? :P It's a shame that Adam will probably spend most of his time on the bench, since we all know who Flack's MVP is. :lol: To answer Top's question though, I'd have to go for...
  12. Redsiren

    Ooops, What a mistake!

    Okay, so I'll be the first to admit that I don't know exactly how much time is supposed to have gone by from episode to episode. A week? A day? A month? With this in mind, I think it's quite funny that in the episode, "Live or Let Die" (or perhaps more specifically the episode after) that...
  13. Redsiren

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    Holy pervy smile, Batman! He's almost got a Jack Nicholas thing going on there with that grin! :P I go away for a couple days and miss out on all the fun!! :( I've gotta say, Hawkes looks mighty annoyed at having to watch the ol' married couple bicker over the whole diving near-death...
  14. Redsiren

    CSI: NY Emmy Episode Submissions

    Well whoever forgot to submit Eddie and Melina just sucks!!! I'm super exicted for AJ and Carmine's submissions and I'm hoping that at least one of them gets a nomination! All in all I think they picked good episodes for the submissions. I can't wait until the nominations are out!