Recent content by Rebel12

  1. R

    Grade 'Keep It Real'

    This felt a bit like a "girls ep" to me -- it seemed like the vast majority of the scenes had one of the two girls (or both) in them. Maybe it was just that Jo had the B storyline and we can no longer (apparently) see Danny without Lindsay that did it for me. Okay, so my real complaint was not...
  2. R

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Looking at those pics, does anyone else notice that Danny is kinda well-decorated for the NYPD? It's unclear how many of the lower medals he's achieved (I can't possibly read any numbers/color of stars he has on the bottom...
  3. R

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Yeah, I noticed the age thing too. Lucy in last season's finale was about 18 months old (judging by the child), so just how long has it been since episode 1 of this season? We had one Christmas, and no obvious signs of summer following so I had assumed one year and yet apparently Lucy is the...
  4. R

    Grade 'Identity Crisis'

    I liked it. It kept me interested, even if I knew from the very first scene that the 'old man' was not an old man. 'He' walked wrong (which I'm sure the cane was meant to mask) and was the wrong build -- I figured it was a woman dressed up right away. Still, I was intrigued by who the...
  5. R

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    Uhm...sorry? I had to sound it out (folderol) and apparently we don't pronounce it correctly (big shock, I come from a state that says Marseilles as Mar-sales/Versailles as Ver-sales). :brickwall:
  6. R

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    Gave it a C, because it just...was. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was I saw the correct 'villain' early on, which isn't good, imo, and it just overall felt like a filler episode that goes after the good "sweeps" episodes. Still, it wasn't bad per se. I liked: Jo's...
  7. R

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    The term "Black Sox" actually pre-dates the scandal, and was widely applied to the team as a whole. Prior to the Series-fix-scandal, the name was a reference to the almost invariably filthy uniforms sported by the White Sox because Comiskey refused to pay for the uniforms to be washed, making...
  8. R

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    I gave it an A-, because it kept me entertained even if it wasn't the most original plot (or plot twists) ever. After all, there's only so many ways to tell a 42 minute murder-mystery story, right? It might have been a plain A, except that one thing really bothered me. "Comiskey". Mac...
  9. R

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    I feel a little like I'm at one of those sorts of meetings ;): Hi, my name is Rebel (Reb) and I'm new here. I'm a little addicted to CSI:NY, though I was clean for part of 2010...I've relapsed. I started with the show in Season 1, watched through mid Season 6, and came back for Season 7...