Recent content by raymakay

  1. R

    Grade 'Tales from the Undercard'

    I wish I could write as descriptive as La Guera. Then maybe I could find the words to describe how the show actually hurts to watch now. I have never been a "fan" of a show before and for the first time I found myself clearing my Wednesday nights and sitting down with a nice glass of Merlot...
  2. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire I didn't see where anyone had posted this yet. It is the extended preview for the Stella episode that airs next.
  3. R

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    I purposely haven't watched The Narrows because it just isn't my type of movie, but my Eddie curiosity is getting the better of me. I just might have to break down and watch some of it.
  4. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire I couldn't agree more and it's funny I think the same thing watching NCIS. I like Gary Sinise and the character Mac and realize he is the star but does every show have to be soooo Mac in-your-face. He really is super Mac...
  5. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire Thanks for the spoilers. O.K. Wow! To say the least. Sounds interesting but kind of weird also. We have all the makings of a soap opera here so that's kind of scary. But it could be really good! Just have to wait and see. I...
  6. R

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    I thought it seemed odd also and wondered if someone on the show knows him or has a connection to him. Not real sure if this is something I will watch all the time but I am looking forward to seeing Eddie on a sit com. Been a while since he's done anything other than a drama.
  7. R

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance I came across this article about a new show called Romantically...
  8. R

    Grade 'Sanguine Love'

    Yeah, IMBd is wrong. If you watch the behind the scenes interview with Carmine from youtube on the main spoiler thread he is very excited about the episode and he seems like a pretty stand up guy. I doubt he would look in the camera and flat out lie to our faces that he wrote it.
  9. R

    Grade 'Sanguine Love'

    I gave it a B+. It wasn't my favorite episode but it was pretty good. I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. Considering it was written by a cast member, it had soap stars in it, and it was about vampires I really wasn't expecting to enjoy it. But, even though I thought it moved a bit...
  10. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire I was just going to call Melina's episode crap. This says it so much better!!!:lol:
  11. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City Train video for eipisode 6.11. A lot of good cast shots. This one is more of a video for Trains new song but Danny and Stella make an appearance at the end.
  12. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City Death House promo Looks good!
  13. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    RED HEAD GIRL] Early - Mid 20's, Absolutely stunning, seen talking to ADAM ROSS (AJ Buckley) in a bar before their date is rudely interrupted - FEATURED CO-STAR Source: SpoilerTV This was an additional casting call for Manhattanhenge. They must of decided to go a different direction with...
  14. R

    Grade 'Cuckoo's Nest'

    I gave it an A-. It would of been an A+ but a couple of Mac's lines kind of bugged me for some reason. Lindsay wasn't in the episode? I always say I am indifferent towards her character I don't like or hate her. But I think it says something that I didn't even realize she wasn't in it till I...
  15. R

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    I'm looking forward to episode 9. The preview's at least makes it seem like it might be a fast paced episode and I think it's time we have one. The episodes seem to be moving a little slow this season, though I'm not conplaining. I've like most of season 6 so far. I am still really curious...