Hello everyone! It's been awhile.
I had kind of forgotten about CSI... UNTIL I SAW THE MAGAZINE COVER OF THE TV GUIDE. It's seriously the best cover ever, and although TPTB deny our lovely ship, knowing that Billy & Marg know where we're coming from really makes me happy. :] I hope we get more...
So I've been refreshing on my season two CSI, and although there aren't really any specific moments I like best btwn C & G, just their obvious friendship and way they work together really got my attention. It's why I started shipping them in the first place. :]
I checked out the pics, and they are awesome. Thanks, Erica! :D
Too bad we didn't get any audio/clips of this year. But still. The pics are gorgeous. MARG is gorgeous.
These captions are cute, guys. Keep 'em up! And the pics are bringing back great PJ memories.
King Baby was a very good ep. The ending "I even missed your tush" part never fails to put a smile on my face! :]
Hooray for Marg's Emmy nomination! Or... whatever they've got going on so far.
I'd like the interview too, please? *bats eyes*
And hhunter, I really like your icon. It's cute. ^_^
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions
This'll really make me mad if they keep bringing Sara back for whenever they need ratings boosting. Season premiere, finale... No. She left the show. She needs to make up her mind over whether she really wants to leave or not and then stick to that...
I thought it was season 6? Henry asks Gil the question, and then Gil responds...
I'm pretty sure, cuz I started rewatching s6 this week. Couldn't name the title of the ep, though. Sorry :]
I'm guessing it all depends on whether Gary is proven innocent or guilty on the drug charges as to Warrick's fate. I watched the death scene a few times (it hurt to, though), and he moves his hand up after being shot, so he's obviously got some mobility. He could have reached for his cell phone...
It would make me feel a lot better if during the next season, they nail the undersheriff's butt. Seriously. Maybe then I could stop thinking about Warrick dying for more than like two seconds.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2
Hi guys. Just stopped in to say:
W T F.
I love Gary. And Warrick. And I want him back too. Right now. If CSI doesn't want him, I will take him with open arms. :[
Oh my goodness. The one time I don't read spoilers and it comes back to bite me. Really flippin' hard.
I'm in a bit of denial. I keep telling myself that maybe Warrick's not dead. His car wasn't parked too far away from the diner. Someone must have heard the gunshot. And then that...