Recent content by pixies

  1. P

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I honestly don't think its Grissom, the idea is absurd! From all we know about Grissom does it not seem the most plausable to presume he's just trying to understand this killer? He's building a miniture to see how much dedication and planning goes into each of his kills. thats my 2cents!!
  2. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    ^^I second that. Im really disappointed now.
  3. P

    The British and Irish Thread

    ^^ Yea I gotta say I disagree too, we definetly don't ignore it! Dublin city centre practically comes to a standstill when the parade is on, all the tv coverage, and nearly everyone I know goes mental Paddy'd night! :L
  4. P

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    yea maybe..It was in a parody clip thing on youtube "songs by greggo" or something, and I didn't recognise it from anywhere! thanks!
  5. P

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    hey all! which csi episode features everyone dancin round a table??
  6. P

    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    woww, wow wow wow! :lol: Those pictures are fantastic! and yes I agree the second one where he's biting his tongue while smiling is Hott(Thats right, hot with two T's! :D)
  7. P

    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    ^^actually yea, what WAS that picture for? :lol:
  8. P

    The British and Irish Thread

    I'm from dublin, meh-its ok. Depends on where you go I suppose! weathers been great, wearing shades, in april!? :lol:
  9. P

    CSI: Hangman #8

    im gonna guess R?
  10. P

    The Poll Thread - #3

    yahoo baby! I do use google sometimes though.meh, who cares really if you find what you want :D
  11. P

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    yeesh that was quick! :D thank u!
  12. P

    If you were a GUEST STAR, which role would you choose?

    I would love to be any kind of guest star to be honest! but I did choose NY and a CSI because look at how cool Kepplar was in Vegas- short,(not so sweet) but a darn good role! he got to interact with all the mains, do the regular csi duty PLUS a mini-storyline of his own. I want that!
  13. P

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    ok speaking of screenshots of csi what episode is it where greg pulls a gun out of...wll I think its a lampshade or tablelamp but I'm not sure??
  14. P

    Should models fatten up?

    oh yea definatly! I think Madrids idea was inspired.I mean, image aside they wouldn't let a model be over the 'healthy 25' of BMI why should they give free rein to the under 18.5's? I dont believe its black and white- no one can put you on a starvation diet, but I think all those size zero's...
  15. P

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    happy birthday!!! :)