Recent content by peanut

  1. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    Hopefully, I'm not too late--but I am about to send it Please please please tell me you haven't send it off yet!!!!!!!!! *crosses fingers* :)
  2. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    *pouts* I missed out on sending a letter?! Darn! I knew I shouldn't have stayed away for so long. I can't wait to see the pics, Fay. I'm glad everything pulled together.
  3. P

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    ^^AJ does have some good facial expressions. Have you seen The In Crowd?
  4. P

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    (IMO)You're not missing anything. I know! All we usually ever see is him playing the dorky, goofy BF or lab geek (my personal fave). I am so intrigued at the prospect of him playing a bad guy. I can't wait to see it. IMO, it'll be even better w/o Rock in it. (no offense, anyone) Any AJ...
  5. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    You know I do! :) I am starting to wonder if anyone else does. *wibble* :( They are evil! This evil incarnate bent my submission, too. *shifts eyes* government conspiracies *whispers* You better watch it, Fay! You might want to send the scrapbook through another post office to make sure it...
  6. P

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    I know! It seems to have disappeared there for a minute! I loved your impression of the fortune-telling machine. very realistic! :p I wish I knew if he were doing any other projects. Maybe something will be up on one of his websites soon. *crosses fingers and toes*
  7. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    Ladies, your pages look wonderful! Great job, everyone! :) Get those submissions in!!! :)
  8. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    *big hugs* Great work, ladies. :)
  9. P

    Grade CSI: NY Season Three!

    I gave it a C. It was mediocre season (for me). I liked most of the cases. The show just didn't hold my attention span that much. I originally started watching NY to get away from Vegas for awhile, but NY never captivated me like Vegas did. Hopefully it will be much better next season.
  10. P

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    duh. ;) :p
  11. P

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    Yes, I noticed. It's why I thought they were being such dorks. Who does that when bad men are in their lab? Only dorks.... Excellent pimpage. ;) Listen to her, people! :p
  12. P

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    very beautiful, Elsie! He'll love it. ;)
  13. P

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Oh my, I agree w/all the statements here about Adam's situation. It would be incredibly out of character and just plain wrong if they blame Adam. He was tortured, for God's sake. I poked my wittle wip out when I saw the cig burns. You know he didn't give up the info easily. When Hawkes showed...
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    Grade 'Snow Day'

    A+ AJ and Carime both gave stellar performances when they were being held hostage. Seeing Adam run to his kit was uber cute. I liked seeing Danny get lippy with the thugs. That was great, and I'd say he got at least one of his balls back. :lol: Flack was wonderful as always. I liked seeing him...
  15. P


    Luveykat, it's cool that you don't care. :) I have felt like that about certain shows, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's all good. :)