Recent content by orange_cat

  1. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Following the 'How the *&%?! did Grissom find her in the middle of the jungle?!' debate, I'm just thinking about what Cath says in 9.11 - about Grissom asking her to ship some things out to the research station in Costa Rica. Sounds to me like a well organised location and activity, so I think...
  2. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    hey troops, hope you're all still smiling :D i just caught the latest epi and was thrilled with the reference from Cath about sending some things "to the research station in Costa Rica" - they're settling in for a while in the sunshine then? yippeeee :thumbsup: i also think it's cool that...
  3. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Hi there LadyDisdain - a Much Ado reference? :D My favourite! And very glad to have you dropping in to say hi - I totally agree that the ending helped us all swallow the largely skipped over details of Sara's leaving and the state of the GSR relationship. Oh well, more for the fanfics I guess...
  4. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    desert thanks so much for posting that lovely message! you're right - Rambo is such a nice guy and always takes time to send little messages like this back. I wonder if he's sad not to have the grissom and sara characters to write for anymore? they've got to be like old friends. jorjafoxfan...
  5. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    blimey blimey blimey!! i officially forgive tptb for putting us through angst hell because damn, that was worth it. the ultimate gsr ending - grissom gives up everything for sara and chases her across the globe to live happily together, in daylight and tropical climates with monkeys and bugs lol...
  6. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    hey! yeah i am totally in the Team Stupidly Optimistic camp :D it would be sooooo wrong for the characters if they bust it up after all this time and effort, let's face it. totally wrong. i really think LH is going to give Grissom a much needed kick up the backside to finally make him see...
  7. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    hey there lovely gsr fans! sorry for the delay in messaging - i've been on tour the last coupla weeks so not around my computer much unfortunately. i'll see if i can kick a couple of the other old posters into getting back on the forum soon too as i think we need to beef up our positive gsr...
  8. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    howdy doody folks, hope you're all gearing up for a fun All Hallows bwah hah haaah! i'm playing a gig in london in fancy dress on the day itself, can you believe it?! :lol: as for this week's epi, i thought it was a good, all round csi story with solid preparatory bits for Grissom's Way To Go...
  9. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    that's the spirit, ladies! :D i like your thinking ali, x3nity and desert - let's hang on in there. it's what we do best... after all, we waited 6 years for them just to begin! :lol: and on your comments about wanting to hurry and see the GSR resolution ali, I think we are in for some real...
  10. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    heya troops - thanks for the welcome back messages :D now if TPTB will just stop running us through the mangler maybe we'll all be able to get a decent night's sleep?! :eek: crumbs, that was such a heavy, packed, shocking episode.... here's my (now rather lengthy!) run down (and remember I am...
  11. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Hey there myfuturecsi i did say that in my first post - all credit to Nicky boy, he was Warrick's best friend and he was owed the catch. Poor Nick - he's been through a bad time all in all :( Good to see him being the one to bring McKeen in especially after all that. I was just pleased to see...
  12. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    p.s. couple of extra review points - 1. As a spoiler-free fangirl, I had Gil's wonderful feeling of shock to see Sara in his office - I totally wasn't expecting it so soon or in that way, and yet it was perfect when it happened 2. I love the fact that Sara was included in the lab, and the...
  13. orange_cat

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Hey folks - well, I said I'd be back when the series started and here I am! OMGOMGOMG is all I can say - I've finished crying :( and am watching the epi back for a second time to take in all the details. Blimey.... I really didn't think Warrick would die, but when Gil came round the corner and...
  14. orange_cat

    Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

    hi folks! firstly want to say sorry for not being on here for aaaages, and secondly want to say sorry i'm not going to be on here for aaaages more :( i'm so totally drowning in music stuff that i've hardly got time to sleep at the moment! i really miss you guys - so please do me a favour and...
  15. orange_cat

    Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

    Ooooh have fun GSRLUVER we will miss you! Hope you don't suffer too many withdrawal symptoms :lol: Ah, Toronto is one of my favourite places - wish we could add that to the paintball shopping tour!! p.s. Yay! I'm a witness at last!! Beers and soft drinks all round to celebrate my return to...