Recent content by Night

  1. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    Probably all the GSR burned out our eyes & left us blind (& deaf after that comment last episode...) But still, we shouldn't let the thread die =] Remember the good old days? Like season 3 for example? I really hate what the writers are doing to CSI at the moment. I mean it was my favorite...
  2. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    Haha, I loved that dialogue ^^ I capped it, too :] This episode would have been so much fun if there hadn't been this awful ending scene *ughz* I mean really. That so wasn't necessary :| Still, I'm trying to ban that one & keep calling the Swarrick one back into my head :] I'm kinda surprised...
  3. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    lol, Raven... I love this umbrella scene <3 I think, Warrick would give Sara a single red rose. That's plain, sweet & very romantic (or at least I think so xD) it would be Warrick's style & Sara would like it (not like that... stick thing Grissom sent her xD I'm still laughing about that lol)
  4. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    we haven't been very active the last month, haven't we? ^^ Even though last week's episode had so lovely Swarrick scenes in it ^^ Swarrick love *tries to reanimate the thread*
  5. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    lol, Raven I love your Chronicles <33 I also read the new chapter of Don't shoot... over at :) Soo nice, to read new Swarrick stuff *glances to Joy* Hmmm, I think I should rewatch my CSI DVDs & make caps of all the lovley Swarrick scenes xD K maybe when I'm alone for the 3 weeks in...
  6. N

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    Aww, new thread! Congraz ^^ I haven't been around for some time, I know, I'm bad xD But somehow there are several season 6 episodes with Sara & Warrick together, which is always a nice surprise :D
  7. N

    Contact Thread

    msn: crazymind[at] icq: 274180130 [lj:] feel free to add me, new friends are always love :p
  8. N

    Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

    I'm not really a Sandle fan, but it's one of the ships I could easily accept if they appeared on screen ^^ (not like GSR :|) anyway, yesterday I was on the graveyard with my grandma, visiting the grave of my great grandmother when I saw a grave of someone named 'Sandles' lol I just had to think...
  9. N

    "Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

    Aww, that's so sweet <3 I loved it ^^ Thank you :-* They really should hang out more often...
  10. N

    Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

    omg, I cracked a page and didn't notice? Not until now at least xD That doesn't make ma a bad person, does it? xD Welcome back, Zan ^^ it didn't really happen much around here the past few weeks... the thread was asleep lol (<- no, it's not funny :| we must keep it alive and awake ^^) French...
  11. N

    TalkCSI: RolePlay

    Josefine nodded with a sigh. She, too, hoped that everything was alright with Nicole - a rape was nothing she wanted to happen to anybody she knew. Josefine had to deal with rape cases a lot and she couldn't imagine what Nicole had to feel like. She let herself fall into one of the chairs in the...
  12. N

    TalkCSI: RolePlay

    After Josefine had taken the call from the hospital she had gone there directly. She needed to see herself that Nicole was allright. On her way there she picked up a magazine she knew Nicole liked and some chocolates. She knew she would probably have to make a rape sheet on her colleague so she...
  13. N

    "Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

    All I want for christmas is a new Swarrick story ^^ (Ok, that's not true xD It's not all I want, but still?) I haven't got any special requests, just write some Swarrick love ;D
  14. N

    Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

    Aww, Joy I loved your story :D Nice to know that some of my wishes do come true :D Yeah, I was kinda glad that nobody watched Gum Drops with me xD Might look strange if someone jumps up and down in an armchair and makes *awwwwwwwww* when two people appear on the screen together lol But we have...
  15. N

    Swarrick drabble

    I can only agree with Hestia :) You really are the Queen of Swarrick Drabbles ^^ I loved it *wants more* How can I not love anything that comes from you? ^^