Recent content by NicksSexyBabe

  1. N

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 WOW i just saw a breaking news thing on ET wow well i'm not going to say anything until i have all the facts but wow thats sad, so i guess its true that he is leaving, thats also an odd coincedence seeing that warrick was addicted to pain medication.
  2. N

    Forensics Questions

    hi i have a question what are the national database's that contain the dna and fingerprints of people arrested? isn't it IAFIS and KOTIS (i may have spelled them wrong)? i need to know for a school project and i don't know what their called, so even if their right can someone let me know if...
  3. N

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    maybe Grissom gave him the chess set. well i saw the crime stopper thing in the episode about the article and i no he said someone in the community wrote it but was that just the name of the article so everyone started calling him crime stopper?
  4. N

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    okay so last night i was watching SPIKE and they had one of my fav. episodes, Stalker, on. now theres something i'm confused the begining of the episode everyone is giving nick greif and calling him a "Crime Stopper"...what happened? was this in a previous episode?
  5. N

    Forensics Questions

    Re: forensic questions so it would be like that reality show on Spike "Murder" when they investigate the scene and give the evidence to the lab techs and they give them reports back. and then they make the arrest...i thought thats what cops do???
  6. N

    Forensics Questions

    Re: forensic questions a forensic field agent
  7. N

    Forensics Questions

    Re: fibers/ washing the mouth i was wondering are their any requirements to become a field agent? and requirements for lab tech?
  8. N

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #22

    hey guys almost done with my banner just one more thing i'm trying to find the screencap from (i think) to half and to hold when nick says to warrick (whos in the pool) 'Marco' like when he has his hand over his mouth saying it but i looked on Bab's photobucket but i couldn't see it or maybe its...
  9. N

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #22

    i love those 2 i was shocked when i saw him on there i was like whoa! omg its sark from Alias WHOO! nice pic by the way and thanks to everyone who found me pics. i'm almost done with my banner. yey thanks again
  10. N

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #22

    hey guys just wanted to request a couple more picture of nick i'm looking for 2 one is of nick on a computer and really focused on it and the other one is of nick in deep thought, pondering if you will. lol thanks again i really appreciate it.
  11. N

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    here is the pictures but before i got them to scroll banner pic 1 banner pic 2 banner pic 3 banner pic 4 banner pic 5 banner pic 6 thanks you blackflag, jacquie, and stokesgirl thanks for looking and thanks for the pics i'm sure i can use one of them.
  12. N

    Just a kiss...

    i'd have to say nick my second choice would be greg though
  13. N

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    i made the pictures from scratch actually i don't have any specail progams so i make all my banners and icons on paint and find someone who can make it scroll. it takes some time but i don't mind thanks Destiny i thought it would go here but no one ever replies anyway yeah i'm looking for a...
  14. N

    Need a certain picture

    i don't know where this would belong but i'm looking for a picture of Nick/George. i'm looking for a picture of him either shaking something or holding something over his head. if this is in the wrong place sorry. feel free to move it if you have to thanks
  15. N

    Quiz Thread #3

    William Petterson- 2/10 (wow) Boom- 13/15 Fannysmackin'- 10/10