Recent content by MyMutantRomance

  1. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Holy wow, I can't remember the last time I actually posted in this thread... So the finale... am I disappointed? Some what. Was it an alright episode? Mostly. Didn't exactly live up to the previous finales but it was an alright episode. Nothing to get all hyped up about and write a big long...
  2. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    still not sure how i feel about last nites episode... i'll have to think about it some more...
  3. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Dude last nights episode was beyond words... so amazingly funny i could barely contain myself.. (sigh) how much i've missed the boys... and what no Cas? that makes me soo sad. :(
  4. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Adorable... and i have to say i prefer Misha with his shaggy hair... my only question is what is he doing with a monkey?? holy random lol
  5. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Jersey Shore reject!!:guffaw:Spot on description, oh and the episode is called SIn City if anyone wants to refresh their memory.... So i was rewatching the episode The Real Ghostbusters (the one with the covention) and i noticed something... the one dude with the accent who was dressed up as...
  6. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Oh totally Katie was the better Ruby hands down but the whole Sam/Ruby storyline would NOT have worked with all the sexual tension between her and Dean. So in a way we got lucky with Genevieve....
  7. MyMutantRomance

    Worst Movies Ever

    I think we all can agree that if the title ends in the word "Movie" (ie: epic movie, date movie, disaster movie) that you should drop everything and run in the other direction while scream for dear life at the top of your lungs. Sooo many hours of my life that i will never get back. :(
  8. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    15 Days to go!!!! I think I'm beginning to suffer Supernatural withdrawls.... :(
  9. MyMutantRomance

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #6

    1. Let Go- Gabriel and Dresden 2. Let Me Sign - Rob Pattinson 3. In For The Kill - La Roux 4. I've Got Friends - Manchester orchestra 5. If You're Not the One - Daniel Beddingfield 6. Come On - Ben Jelen 7. I'll Be Your Lover Too. - Rob Pattinson 8. Fast Car - Tracy Chapman 9.Existentialism on...
  10. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    It's okay, it made me laugh just to imagine someone betting their arm in a poker game. :lol:
  11. MyMutantRomance

    CSI books.

    I read about a dozen or so CSI novels (this includes all three series: NY, Miami, and the original) and have not really enjoyed any of the ones that have come out in the last one or two years. Max Allen Collins did an amazing job with the CSI books. Cold Burn is flat out amazing....
  12. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Dude I meant his watch, not his arm. :lol: I never heard of someone losing an arm in a poker game but putting your watch up for collateral is a common ocurrance.
  13. MyMutantRomance

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    That makes sense, in a bar with poker he could have lost it in a poker match or the demons may have wanted the brothers to believe he was dead cuz he provided usefull info.
  14. MyMutantRomance

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I watched this too the other night, i have a obsession with James Stewart that drives my BF crazy. I recently saw Terminator Salvation, i didn't like it. IDK never really liked any terminator films...