Recent content by MORGANSTARR

  1. M

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    okayyy... *pouts* No funny buisiness for or sexy Gary :( you know...if we did put some funny buisiness in there he might finally see he's a sex god! :lol: i swear he thinks he's just an old man with 3 kids and a wife...he is sooooo not :lol:
  2. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

    WOW! they are some hot pics! i was thinking about that question...mabey "freewebs" or have you thought about making a live journal? they are probably better :D
  3. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7 have all the time in the world! hhunter
  4. M

    NY Quote Game # 3

    okay...i dont know why...but im going to go with "RAIN"
  5. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

    it's a fab pic...verrrrrrrrrrrry hot! i love it when he get's a bit sweaty and his curls start to droop! like so...
  6. M


    okay! When i go bed: must write or start to write a fic about castaway or pirates of the carribean meet's billy lmao! i wont be on tomorrow well...until sat afternoon cuz im going to a gig in b'ham tomorrow night...and im staying in a im going to take my little FAN FIC book and...
  7. M

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    i did...and ohh...:lol: sorry i live in England and were still on sabbatical! :( but.. my point! i was watching that hodges/wendy scene you know the one where he tells us about his lucky day! and hodges over hears grissom and sara say sara: ohh..and by the way you left those minitures at...
  8. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

    MORGIE! thats what my biology/chemistry Doctor calls me! hha! and yea...i guess it's you're turn!
  9. M


    :eek: :eek: we would get the best of everything...if he was in castaway! the whole film would just be him and a football, a shaven/stubble/trimmed beard/furry animal like beard, running around in the water, shirtless/suited/casual/loyn cloth, making fires dancing round it and dont forget the...
  10. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

    YAY! so i get to go next! okay...i have the perfect'll never guess it...even i wouldn't have! OT - i need a wee *holds legs tightly together*! this is the next pic!
  11. M

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    Aiden - I Set My Friends On Fire G'n'R - Paradise City Hinder - Get Stoned Hinder - Room 21 Buckcherry - Crazy Bi*** Buckcherry - Next To You Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder Lynard Skynyrd - Free Bird The Who - Baba B'riely H.I.M - And Love Said No!
  12. M

    NY Quote Game # 3

    i know it's flack but i cat think what eppy
  13. M

    William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

    mmm...the cute look
  14. M


    :eek: you mean BATMAN WITH THE LYCRA!!!! lmao! i vote..."jack sparrow" in pirates of the carribean :lol: id love to see our man with long hair...imagine the curls! and in that pirate costume with all that bending and fighting :eek: *dribbles*
  15. M

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    i think the Peyton thing did seem sudden...apparently they've been dating over a year now... well what happened at "drinks at sullys" and "dog show dating?" i just...think they have left a storyline half way through and haven't really answered a lot throughout the seasons.