Recent content by MMForbiddenDonut

  1. M

    * I Heart Old Movies*

    I adore the Thin Man series, especially After the Thin Man. The scene in the beginning with Asta, Mrs. Asta, the puppies (all WFT and a random Scottie), and the adult Scottish Terrier (I think)....just too funny. I don't know if this falls quite under the same category, but Young Frankenstein...
  2. M

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To the GP: Maybe I missed something, but whatever happened to manners? Generally when someone talks to you, the polite thing to do is at least give some sort of response, not just completely ignore him or her. It's rude.
  3. M

    The Jeff Buckley Thread **Ten Years Gone**

    You have to be kidding me. I mean, I only recently started to listen to some of his music (assuming I am not confusing him with some else, I started to listen to his music after "Hallelujah" was played on an episode of House.) but I was not aware he passed away. That's a shame. He was a very...
  4. M

    Bullied so rank

    Hey, sorry I am a little late in responding to this. Sorry to hear what happened to you. People are so cruel sometimes. I have been through it many many times and still do. Good luck with everything tomorrow.
  5. M

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To the big man: Thanks a whole lot. I have been asking for you to help me get over him and I asked you to do it in the nicest possible way (e.g. to just spontaneously lose interest in him, like all the other men I have been interested in), but you could not do that, could you? You had to go and...
  6. M

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To Mr. "Know It All" Norman: Tonight's conversation was the final straw. I have had it with you and your ignorant ways. You do not even know me personally so you have a lot of nerve standing there criticizing me and telling me I need to shut up and just listen to you: ""if you want to get...
  7. M

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    My current wallpaper is this: My Wallpaper It will have to do until the Yellow Racing site decides to make my day and make a wallpaper with both driver AND crew chief.
  8. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: I was looking forward to going to the Franklin Institute but was not at all impressed with the King Tut exhibit. Among other things, I did not have a good day. Down: I feel terrible and guilty about a lot of things right now Down: I am really sick from dinner Up: I was able to read...
  9. M

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread To myself: You needed to read it for your peace of mind. And you did not cry immediately afterwards for once. That is a good thing. A very, very good thing. However, you want to now, though. Get a hold of yourself beforehand. Don't let it bother you. He himself...
  10. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: My license plate is finally in stock Up: I got a positive feedback on Ebay Up: No cavities at the dentist Down: I am tired of the cold weather (and the dry skin that comes along with it) Down: I have to pay my car loan soon Up: It's my last payment
  11. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I went to dinner with my family for Easter Down: My usual plans for Easter were ruined because Mother Nature decided to plunge the temperatures Down: I really need to start job hunting Down: The license plate frame I ordered is still on backorder Down: I am really, really not looking forward...
  12. M

    Pen Pals maybe!??

    Oh, that sounds like fun. My email addresses are:
  13. M

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it and although this is an Easter thread, I'd also like to add a Happy Passover to those who celebrate it.
  14. M

    What would you do if someone you like is a hero?

    Well, I already am pretty impressed with someone and have nothing but the utmost respect for the guy....but a superhero? That would be pretty cool!
  15. M

    100 hottest guys (BASED ON YOUR OPINION)

    Johnny Sauter (NASCAR #70 Yellow Transportation driver- putting him and Bootie together was a beautiful and smart move.)