Recent content by mitzi962000

  1. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    very sexy wall georgelover:drool: heres a quickie from me :)
  2. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    gosh guys, i didnt relise i'd been away so long :( between really busy in work and having workmen in, i havent had any time,and now getting withdrawal symptons, so hopefully will manage something over the weekend :thumbsup: amazing job on all the walls, you guys really do rock:devil:
  3. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    fantasic wallpapers as usual ac, desert and sam:drool: heres another one from me
  4. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    fantasic walls desert and axel, keep up the great work:devil: Jools stunning wall as always:drool: steph heres my attempt at your request though no where near as gorgeous as Jools:shifty::lol:
  5. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    fantastic idea and wallpaper desertwind:thumbsup: kaylene i love the wallpaper it looks clean and crisp, its great:thumbsup: Jools beautiful as always your work is:drool: sam cant wait to see your contribution to valentines day, in the meantime heres mine:lol:
  6. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    heres my wallpaper ofthe day, hope you all like it:thumbsup:
  7. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    great wallpapers as always guys, Jools i nicked that flackie one, wow:drool: thanks for comments, glad you liked it, well i get a snow day off work:lol: its great when you live in the mountains and 20miles away, you get to be snowed in when it comes, so will have another wallpaper up later for...
  8. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    fantastic job as always ont the walls guys:devil: thanks for the lovely welcome back, it means a lot to me. Bona i always appreciate coments, especially so it helps me improve my walls, though oops, i think i better get glasses, i missed that not being centered:lol: heres a quick one from me
  9. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    great wallpapers everyone, i've really missed all you guys:):) sorry i took so long to be back, but since getting back after new year, ive been really busy in work:(, anyway hope you all had a great christmas and new year, and heres my 1st of 2009;)
  10. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    great wallpapers again everyone, thanks for the comments Sam and Jools, you know i luv you guys:thumbsup:, Jools what can i say, ive never had to need so many cold showers:devil::drool::drool:, im so sorry ive been negelecting you all, its just been so crazy a run up this year, im not sure if i...
  11. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    great job again guys, natty hope you dont mind, i snagged the Flack one:devil:
  12. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    great walls christmaswind, i managed to do another one tonight, Jools giving you an early warning, just in case you'll need oxygen:lol::lol::lol::lol:
  13. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    omg stunning wallpapers everyone:drool::drool::drool:, sorry been gone a while, this time of year i love, but boy its even more crazy than usual...really nice to see you again here sharon, hope all is well, and welcome, welcome to the newbee, the guys all here are amazing and lovely...brilliant...
  14. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    natty another stunning wall:devil: Linda thoae are just so fab, i love them, im already getting in the festive mood:drool:, i know who i want santa to put in my stocking:devil::devil: Crim, heres the wall i did for you, hope you like adorable heres the one that i di for you, hope its ok and the...
  15. mitzi962000

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Sam they look just as amazing as always,:devil: Hmfan, beautiful work:bolian: Natty they just fab:drool: Crim i havent had time to do any for you today but will try and have 1 for you by Sunday...i have a crazy job, so timing can be awkward:rolleyes: Yippee, its my favourite time of year now, so...