Recent content by MissMurder

  1. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Hey! Welcome back to Geeklove<3 and x3nity!!!! Nice to see you both again! :D A geekbaby will be a lovely continuation to their story arc. I could see them with a son or a daughter. A daughter with Sara's curly hair and Gil's blue eyes, or a son with Grissom's curls and Sara's hazel eyes. That...
  2. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    ^^ Hey you never know. TPTB have said they will delve into the GSR living arrangements...and that could mean ANYTHING, knowing them. They may have Grissom move back to the US...or if Jorja does decide to just film a few episodes, they may wrap up her storyline by having Sara go back to Paris...
  3. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Oh so you are a newbie to the CSI world :D Double welcome, lol...welcome to CSI and GSR!!! :lol: I agree, Sara looks very happy now (i.e. in Season 10) She has finally found peace in her what has been a hectic and tragic life...she has sorted out her "ghosts" and is finally living a life with...
  4. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    You make it sound like GSR is dead, Desert. It's not. Grissom is not "an old boyfriend" He is Sara's husband now, which is great news for GSR fans, it means they are still together. We are just discussing what we would like to doesn't mean that WP is going to return any time soon...
  5. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Yes, it is...but for the third and final time Desert, this thread is about GSR...not The CSI Team....this thread is for discussion about GSR, Grissom and Sara. I understand that, you have been on the boards for a are a GSR fan, but lately Desert you seem to be trying to sway the...
  6. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    No, it is not the GSR show...however this thread is about GSR, not LF...and I have to admit, you seem to bring him up in every post. Yes Langston has interacted with both Grissom and Sara...yes, he gets on well with Sara...but he has nothing to do with their romantic relationship, which is what...
  7. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Desert, you've misunderstood me. I know full well that Billy is making another movie. I meant that Billy cannot just refuse other movie deals in regards to CSI. It's not his life anymore. From what he said, he didn't say there WILL be a CSI movie...he IMPLIED that there MIGHT be one, ONE day...
  8. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Yes, Grissom is no longer in the show...ONSCREEN. He is still "there" offscreen. TPTB have gave us some little tidbits of info, having Sara explain that he is teaching in Paris while she helps their friends. Remember Sara isn't a typical women, she can't handle being idle....she's a wife now...
  9. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    ;) Thanks for agreeing with me jtd94 And I agree, at this moment, the only reason why I'll be tuning into CSI in Season 11 is if Jorja returns, and because Marg is returning (I'm pretty sure that's not a spoiler...but if it is I'm sorry :-S) I know GSR will never be a major storyline again...
  10. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Wow, I've been away for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time! :eek: Sorry about that, life kidnapped me. I see that things have got heated recently, that's....unsettling. Now, for my 2 cents: 1.) CSI has certainly changed since the exit of Grissom, Warrick and (partially) Sara...
  11. MissMurder

    CSI, Too fake?

    I'm studying Forensics, and I know that in the show(s) they do show/say the names of similar machines and techniques that real life forensics investigators use. However, the time it takes for a DNA or chemical analysis in the show is greatly exaggerated. It takes far longer than a few...
  12. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Hey there! I have been missing from this thread for a while. So sorry! Welcome to all the users that have joined since I have been away! Glad you're here :D I'll put my thoughts into a spoiler box, just to be safe: As to whether Grissom will make an appearance, I'm not sure. I hope he...
  13. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    It seems as if the fans in this thread are depleting again :( Though I understand, as I have been one of those people, that it may be a busy time for a lot of you. I wonder if we'll get a mention of what Sara did over the Christmas and New Year period? I hope she was with Grissom...spending...
  14. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    God! I have been away for a while. Sorry about that, university got really busy. Plus, I have exams at the moments so, I've been a bit focused and stressed :lol: Anyway, Season 10 started in the UK on Tuesday. I got to watch Mrs. Sara Grissom come back onto our screens, yay :D So good to see...
  15. MissMurder

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Ahh thanks x3nity. Awesome pictures by the way :D Oh what technology can do...:adore: :lol: As to the whole modern couple thing, I think it's both of the things mentioned. I think they are up to date with the technology, and that they have a 'unique' relationship. I think Grissom and Sara are...