Recent content by MiamiDade

  1. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Aww - thanks. *hugs* back :) It's would be a good idea to ask someone from the show this question, in an interview. I can't help but feel that Corey Miller has only been stringing us along all this time to be honest, to keep us watching. This is a show that seems to live very much for the...
  2. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Like you, I just keep an eye out for Sofia/Yelina news, and I would tune into the show to see her. Otherwise, I have no interest in the show anymore. So, I can more than understand why you did this. I did it too long ago, saving a few of my favourite H/Y pics. I guess there is little to...
  3. MiamiDade

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    A very Happy Birthday Tally!!! Hope you have a great day. :)
  4. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    So Say We All! :D Shameful is absolutely right. It's admirable to look at the bigger picture this way, though. I wholeheartedly feel the same. *hugs* H/Y evidently had too much subtance for this show. The first 3 seasons were great, but the lack of any further development leaves a rather...
  5. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Aw, sadly accurate. Is jump starting still an option? ;) Wouldn't it be great if Steve Maeda came back to pen an H/Y centric episode. :) Thank you! *hugs* Love your icon too, and your Halloween name. Hee! Oh yes. :adore: I think we have influenced each other on this score, and any void...
  6. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Agreed. One wonders if we'll ever see Ray Jnr again, and if it will be yet another actor! I wonder if TGTB remember him? ;) Once Kyle burst onto the all-new Miami scene, my one remaining hope was that at some point, we could see him and Ray Jnr become friends. In turn, the H/Y connection...
  7. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    I appreciate and respect that, but it was this part of your post that I was referring to in particular: The banners/icons discussion was off-topic yes, but otherwise, we have been discussing Horatio getting shot and Yelina's return, and what might happen thereafter.
  8. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    With all due respect to the moderators, I thought that this thread had got back on topic. :confused: Thanks for posting this noealonso. :) I wouldn't have seen it otherwise, as I rarely visit the Miami Forum. I am actually quite looking forward to Monday's episode, but I'm very wary. Too...
  9. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Aw, thank you. :) It's good to be back. Canada was great, but I miss England and my home. Sorry for the off-topicness, but I just wanted to acknowledge. *huggles*
  10. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    I doubt you'll get many stones in here for saying that. ;) When Miami started it's downward spiral, quite a few of us got into BSG, and we have never looked back. :D Same here! Thank you Pusher! :)
  11. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    I *love* this picture! :D It looks like this thread needs a little love. I hope everyone is okay. :)
  12. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    :lol: Very funny! Apparently, Pusher is overseeing things in our absence. :devil: Exactly. The constant H angst/doom and gloom has worn very thin. He currently doesn't have many redeeming qualities at all, and his character has been written terribly of late.
  13. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    *passes Tally the Merlot* :D There's nothing that a good Red and other great TV shows can't cure. ;) Now wouldn't that be a novelty! The only positive aspect to the show for me right now is the sweet development between Eric and Calleigh. I know it's OT, but I was trying to think of something...
  14. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Er, speak for yourself! :p It was an attempt to put a positive spin on things, agreed. ;) However, I will mention one thing. We only opened this thread a week ago, and we already have 100 posts! Impressive, especially as things are so uninspiring for us at the moment. Either that, or we...
  15. MiamiDade

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    *borrows optimist's hat* I know what it is.... you are on a BSG high, yes? ;) :D Seriously though, I do agree. Miami has been unrewarding for us for a long time now, but other shows have more than filled the void. So, as always, we wait for tgtb to get their act together (which they will with...