Recent content by MarineGirl#1

  1. MarineGirl#1

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    *Pops carefully around the corner, ducks for her friend Sam.* Man, I know I haven't been around here in a while. There might have been some Newbies to welcome. But I'm sure Sam took care of the 'rules'. I think she's my right hand now (better than my left foot). Great pics to drool back on...
  2. MarineGirl#1

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Now Open! 100x100: 14 05 17 12 140's: 03 02 05
  3. MarineGirl#1

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - New York - Jo Danville - Now Open! Finally a NY challenge. Count me in, Nats. :D
  4. MarineGirl#1

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #55: Actors - Voting! 07 09 02 MC: 08
  5. MarineGirl#1

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    You're welcome Nel. I may not have time enough to post here every few days, RL sucks me up, but I just want you to know that I'm not forgetting about Mac. Specially not for my friend Sam there all the way out in Finland. Will be here in about a week, that's for sure. :devil:
  6. MarineGirl#1

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Somebody said sunnies?:confused::confused: Sneaks in. :devil::devil: Nope, I agree with Sam, that's definetely a Horatio-thingy.:shifty: Hey everyone, guess who'se back with some new goodies?? :drool::drool::drool: Drools, faints, and needs life support. *Hey, I can't help it*
  7. MarineGirl#1

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Is it me or has Gary gained a few pounds over the summer? :confused: Anyways, I like a man that isn't all bones. :):)
  8. MarineGirl#1

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #7 - Miami - For Jesse - Voting! Beginners: 04 02 Inters/Advanced: 05 09 04 140's: 01 05 04
  9. MarineGirl#1

    NCIS #4: *Slap* Nobody Likes A Smartass

    Spoiler pics of eppie 2
  10. MarineGirl#1

    NCIS #4: *Slap* Nobody Likes A Smartass

    Woot New thread. :) Thanks for FF the spoilers from the last thread, Destiny. I'm very excited for the premiere and eppie 2 sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to see the teams reactions :guffaw: Hey Daisy... you and me got some similair interests here (NCIS and F1) and if you're a Mark...
  11. MarineGirl#1

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I'll be looking forward to that. So this aircraft is about to land with a 1000th post. Please fasten your seatbelts and have a happy landing. :guffaw: Oops. Sorry Michael. :devil::devil::devil: See you on board of the next thread. :):):)
  12. MarineGirl#1

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    You did very wel on the compromise. I agree with GRNF :)
  13. MarineGirl#1

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Happy Birthday Mr. Mark Harmon.
  14. MarineGirl#1

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Sorry Love, I've been under cover for a while with the other Marine and Mac would shoot me for that :devil::devil: Haven't forgotten him though. :p Promise to be back when the new season starts. Life's just a bit like a silly circus these days. Twitter, Hyves and so on... No time at the mo... :(...